Good B/R ramp cards?
Standard forum
Posted on Dec. 18, 2012, 6:34 p.m. by acbooster
Since I already have a Bant deck in the making, I figured I might as well have a Rakdos deck. I'm trying for an aggro/life drain deck, so mana ramp will be needed. Any good cards out there that'll fit this?
EduardoRossetto says... #3
When gatecrash comes out, there's the Gruul SHOCKLAND, so Arbor Elf might be of help.
DawnsRayofLight says... #2
splash green and go jund is the best option, my friend's jund list we have been working on tops at my local a lot now, took a while to perfect. Green gives you:
Farseek and man guys for ramp
Thragtusk for life gain
Kessig Wolf Run to team up with your lifelinkers, amazing with Vampire Nighthawk .
Since you are going aggro, I do not think you need ramp, the ramp would be for playing bigger guys and playing a more controllish type deck. I would look at that recent "zombie" deck that popped out with Hellrider s and other rakdos aggro stuff for a powerful list. I am running a variant and it packs a punch. If you want some ramp outside of green, Rakdos Keyrune and Chromatic Lantern are your only two choices. Hope that helps.
December 18, 2012 6:45 p.m.