Good B/R ramp cards?

Standard forum

Posted on Dec. 18, 2012, 6:34 p.m. by acbooster

Since I already have a Bant deck in the making, I figured I might as well have a Rakdos deck. I'm trying for an aggro/life drain deck, so mana ramp will be needed. Any good cards out there that'll fit this?

splash green and go jund is the best option, my friend's jund list we have been working on tops at my local a lot now, took a while to perfect. Green gives you:

Farseek and man guys for ramp

Thragtusk for life gain

Kessig Wolf Run to team up with your lifelinkers, amazing with Vampire Nighthawk .

Since you are going aggro, I do not think you need ramp, the ramp would be for playing bigger guys and playing a more controllish type deck. I would look at that recent "zombie" deck that popped out with Hellrider s and other rakdos aggro stuff for a powerful list. I am running a variant and it packs a punch. If you want some ramp outside of green, Rakdos Keyrune and Chromatic Lantern are your only two choices. Hope that helps.

December 18, 2012 6:45 p.m.

When gatecrash comes out, there's the Gruul SHOCKLAND, so Arbor Elf might be of help.

December 18, 2012 6:51 p.m.

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