Gruul Monsters mirrormatch sideboard
Standard forum
Posted on Feb. 28, 2014, 5:47 p.m. by Korombos
I'm gearing up my deck for Game day. Last standard tournament, about 1/4 of the decks were running Gruul Monsters, including me. Anybody know of some not-so-secret weapons to clinch the mirror-match? I've sideboarded in Archetype of Aggression , myself. Anything I'm overlooking?
Splash black for Dreadbore , Ultimate Price , and Rakdos's Return .
Otherwise, I found that in the straight GR mirror, I wouldn't hinge my strategy on something as fragile as Archetype of Aggression . There are things like Kalonian Hydra and Arbor Colossus that are both huge in the mirror, especially if your opponent isn't running them. Anything that lets you get cards and attack is good. So Chandra, Pyromaster is solid. And Bow of Nylea works making your attacking creatures "better", can make them bigger, and can gain you life too.
the3rdH0kage says... #2
Bow of Nylea is the general SB for the R/G Monsters mirror.
February 28, 2014 11:47 p.m.