Help create budget fnm deck?
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 6, 2014, 1:50 p.m. by vintr
I have a friend who is now discouraged after never winning any matches at fnm.
He recently used a gw enchantment deck, and won 0/5he doesnt want to be the laughing stock and is about to quit.
He liked dimir as well as selesyna. what are some budget friendly lists that i could get him going with?
he has 4 fleecemane lions.. 4 duskmantle seer.I think maybe a u/b aggro deck utilizing the seer, and humans with xathrid necromancer maybe?
here is the current deck.. heavy on enchantments.. we thought it would do well but it failed him to the point of giving up.
budget.. I guess he can work towards whatever is necessary.. but for now no shocklands or voice of resurgence..
thanks for looking guys
January 6, 2014 3:12 p.m.
This is my friends newest standard deck. I know it has shock lands so you could always sub those out. I personally love this deck it's competitive as well as cheap. hope it helps your friend good luck
January 6, 2014 3:39 p.m.
pokeyrabbit says... #6
here is a enchantment based deck that shouldn't cost to much to build and has a nice aggressive curve but can last the late game. budget enchanted monsters
also let your friend remember that magic is supposed to be fun so it might help if he just plays casual with friends.
January 6, 2014 4:49 p.m.
I used to play Standard. Then I lost badly (1-7 total, 1-3 and 0-4 on two different nights). If you have access to draft, let him try it out; draft has certainly been my go-to format in public events just because it's more on the skill and knowledge of the cards and less of the money.
Plus, if you're hurting for more cards to keep, you see a guaranteed 3 packs and a chance for more.
Losing in Standard really isn't a good reason to quit Magic; especially since Standard is the most competitive format. Tell him to try something else in Magic that fulfills his enjoyment, win or lose.
Also, losing is part of it. You learn from your mistakes. You have to take into consideration that some people buy foil 80$ basic lands while you can hardly afford a shockland. It's priorities. If winning is such as huge aspect of his Magic enjoyment, he should want to invest in the deck rather than take a beating every time and threaten to quit because of it. But if you're a casual player on a budget (I set aside like 40$ a month for myself), he has to understand that it's good on his part that he has self-control with his money and doesn't blow too much on a hobby.
About the laughing stock part: If people are looking down on him and laughing at his deck, try a different environment. If the people he's playing against are horrible people and doesn't have any respect, then you and your friend shouldn't take that crap and enjoy Magic with a different LGS/group.
I still recommend draft or any limited format.
January 6, 2014 5:39 p.m.
Dalektable says... #8
If you want to stick with enchantments, try my deck
A Good Man Goes To War Playtest
SCORE: 106 | 8 COMMENTS | 10062 VIEWSThe problem i see with the deck that your friend was running is that it isnt quite aggressive enough. It seems like a pretty fun homebrew, though not very competitive. Enchantments are fairly easy to deal with, and most of the enchantment creatures aren't great. My deck comes out to about 92 dollars on TCGPlayer, but you could easily cut some of that price bye dropping a couple cards. It's an aggressive deck that is a variation on White Weenies, though instead of swarming we want to alpha strike with 1-3 majorly pumped up creatures. The deck is incredibly consistent and has a good match up against most decks in the format.
January 6, 2014 6:39 p.m.
Selesnya Heroic Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 44 VIEWSThis is my budget Selesnya deck, you can add Ajani and some shock lands to make it better if you want. It works pretty well, and the lack of enchantments makes it less susceptible to spot removal then an enchantment based deck(you really want a hexproof base for enchantment decks).
January 7, 2014 9:34 a.m.
Here's my secondary deck, a burn deck which I found fairly affordable especially if you replace 3 cards.
Remove Chandra, Pyromaster , Sacred Foundry , and Boros Reckoner out of sideboard and all the other cards shouldn't cost more than 5 dollars individually, most you should already own 4 of or can easily by for 0.10.
If you want to further reduce the cost of the deck I would personally remove Chained to the Rocks , Mizzium Mortars , and possibly the scry lands. I would be weary about removing any scry from the deck though because its part of where the deck gets a lot of its advantage.
Some replacement cards I would consider putting into deck would be Boros Guildgate , Orzhov Guildgate , Young Pyromancer , Flames of the Firebrand , Spark jolt , Chandra's Outrage .
January 8, 2014 3:38 p.m.
Ack, sorry thought you were looking for any deck, but if you are looking to utilize Fleecemane Lion , my main deck is fairly affordable if you take out the Voice of Resurgence . I disagree with the above poster in terms of it being overrated since its one of my primary cards that keeps control decks in check early on, but in my deck, it isn't a focal point.
Remove Voice of Resurgence , Fiendslayer Paladin and Temple Garden and it would probably bring the whole decks value down by around $150.00. Put in Forest and Plains , mainboard the 4th Fleecemane Lion and 4th Gift of Orzhova . From here you can board in 4 more creatures or 4 more Auras, if I were to pick a creature, it would be Ajani's Chosen or Banisher Priest . For Auras, I would most likely pick Pacifism or Ordeal of Nylea . Another possibility is to add in 2 more Selesnya Charms and 2 of possibly one of the cards listed above.
scopesightzx says... #2
I'd say a g/w aggro deck is not impossible. There are plenty of lists you could look at, and honestly, I think Voice of Resurgence is somewhat overrated, so in my opinion it's not necessary to include. Precinct Captain , Soldier of the Pantheon , Dryad Militant , Kalonian Tusker are a few low cost cards that really shine in an aggro deck. Depending on what the rest of your creature base looks like, you may need to decide between Brave the Elements or Gods Willing . If it's heavy white, go with Brave the Elements, if it isn't really white heavy, play both but have more Gods Willing than Brave the Elements.
January 6, 2014 2:09 p.m.