Help me choose my archetypes for this cycle!
Standard forum
Posted on Feb. 4, 2013, 2:31 p.m. by ChiefBell
I usually have two main decks that I play for each expansion.
For Ravnica I had a mid-range green deck with Liliana of the Veil and Dreg Mangler , which ended on Thragtusk and Wolfir Silverheart . I also had a mono-black discard deck that used Ravenous Rats and Mind Rot , that eventually won with Desecration Demon .
I'm a bit bored now and I can't decide what to play! Here's what I'm thinking -
I think I might go for an azorius human/control (aggro/control hybrid) deck that utilises Champion of the Parish , Precinct Captain , Silverblade Paladin and then in the later stages, Oblivion Ring , Detention Sphere , Arrest and Sphere of Safety . It'll have a strong early game with a controlling late game to help push through the win.
I also might play a Dimir control deck that I have published - Wings of Binding which is primarily control with a creature finish.
Running two control decks might be super boring though :( . What do you guys think will be a fun deck type to make?
Probably won't have the cash to go out and buy all those planeswalkers and sphinx's revelation.
February 4, 2013 2:42 p.m.
gnarlicide says... #4
meh, yeah. I would not have done it either had I not pulled 3 detention spheres, 2 supreme verdicts and two hallowed fountains out of a fat pack. the revelations I ended up getting with store credit from a first place victory. and the PW's were from random trades and pre- orders. I guess it just kind of fell into place.
February 4, 2013 2:54 p.m.
My advice is to pick a card or interaction that you think would be fun and try to make it work. That's what I did with Assemble the Legion and Descent into Madness as a quest to make the latter playable.
Maybe try some Havengul Lich shenanigans? He's a fun card and there's a lot of cool stuff you would do with him and Nightveil Specter and Chromatic Lantern .
February 4, 2013 3:09 p.m.
That's cool. Might have a look. Surely Havengul Lich wouldnt work with Nightveil Specter because the specter exiles instead of sends to graveyard.
February 4, 2013 3:22 p.m.
Well, both of them thrive on taking your opponent's things, one just does it from one zone while the other does it from another. I really only brought up Nightveil Specter because I really want to see him get some playing time.
February 4, 2013 3:31 p.m.
gnarlicide, I have an Esper superfriends deck as well! Check it out, A Superfriendly Walk on Esper.
ChiefBell, I would make an alt win con deck, like Lab Maniac, Biovisionary , card:Azor's Elocutors, and Hellkite Tyrant .
February 4, 2013 3:40 p.m.
I have a lot of fun playing Naya Humans. Turn 2 Wojek Halberdiers , Turn 3 Madcap Skills on the Halberdiers. Swing for 6 they most likely can't block.
February 4, 2013 5:52 p.m.
Check out my rug deck here: RUG midrange. It is really powerful against other midrange decks, has a fairly good matchup against aggro, and a solid matchup against control after sideboarding. It dominates by having Master Biomancer out and pumping up all of your creatures to an absurd amount. I played it at scg Atlanta last weekend and made it to 54th place.
gnarlicide says... #2
esper. thats what I landed on. super friends type. makes control fun. I am usually an aggro player, and found a fun game in this type.
February 4, 2013 2:37 p.m.