Help on sideboard
Standard forum
Posted on May 28, 2013, 11 a.m. by solnox
I'm currently playing an American Deck with Reckoners/Angels. I need some advice on sideboarding against Junk Rites and Jund that runs predominately at my LGS.
Thanks In Advance
It's a mix of midrange and aggro with Thragtusk , Olivia Voldaren Aggro: Burning-Tree Emissary Flinthoof Boar
May 28, 2013 11:39 a.m.
I would add in Blind Obedience for the aggro and if you do not have a playset of Searing Spear mainboard, do it, Mizzium Mortars is another consideration.
gufymike says... #2
Purify the Grave and Memory's Journey and Dissipate /Syncopate are the best cards against junk rites. the former allow you to remove their targets and/or force them to shuffle the targets back into the library. The latter two exile Unburial rights so they can't flash it back and do what they want. Rest in Peace is good if you side out your Snapcaster Mage for it.
for jund, is it midrange or aggro or a mix, aristocrats or zombies? In these cases, I think it would be best to see the actual deck you're working with but without knowing, Bonfire of the Damned , Terminus , Supreme Verdict and other cards that allow you to clear their board and Boros Charm to keep yours going, you might also consider pulling that infinite life combo as quick as possible and splashing green here for Farseek ] and Thragtusk might not be a bad idea (in general).
May 28, 2013 11:36 a.m.