Homebrew decks
Standard forum
Posted on Feb. 5, 2014, 3:34 p.m. by Petro_std
All it seems to be is Net decked decks winning SCG and other events, Not saying the decks aren't good or anything but I see it as being annoying. I want homebrew decks to actually start winning events, Recently I went to a PTQ that was held in my State with a Home brew G/U that I called "G/U Monsters" I went 5-2-1 with the deck and topping with it
How does everyone feel about homebrews?
Homebrew starts winning events = new net deck
Master of Waves used to be dirt cheap, remember?
February 5, 2014 3:41 p.m.
I feel like rouge decks still have a chance, when the RTR block rotates out then I want to see what the meta will be
February 5, 2014 3:44 p.m.
Homebrews are good if they're good decks. All decks were a "homebrew" at some point, if your deck that you've made isn't able to compete with the top tier decks then it's a bad deck. There's nothing wrong with making your own decks but if it's not able to compete with all of the top tier decks in the format then there's no reason to try and be competitive with it.
February 5, 2014 3:46 p.m.
Triforce-Finder says... #7
That's a bit negative. If a deck can't compete with top tier decks, don't just give it up, but improve and adapt it. Once you started climbing a hill, climb it as high as you can before you try the next.
February 5, 2014 4:25 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #8
From all of my experimenting with personal brews, I've found that it's best to try and make the next big thing within the first set of the block. That's what happened with MUD and GR Monsters, and they've been powerhouses ever since Theros came out. However, it is possible to make a deck and make it good enough to face the current meta (see mono black devotion) mid way through the season. This late in the season though, I don't think that anything new will be coming up that hasn't already made at least tier 2 by now. There's a lot of Johnnys out there, and they all want to be the next one to have come up with the big deck, but it typically doesn't happen. If you want your own personal deck to win, try making a varient on a current dominant archetype. A deck that messes with people that are prepared for a different version of the same deck will always be a good deck. That means that you can add a few unexpected counterspells to MUD, try splashing red into mono black, or turn UW control into Bant control. Creating a new archetype is hard. Changing an established archetype into something that is mostly your own but relies on the same basic principles is easy. You'll see much more success if you make alterations.
raithe000 says... #2
Homebrews are fun, but they are really unlikely to win big events. The chances of a Rogue deck that completely wrecks the current meta coming out of nowhere are low, and the top decks are the top decks because they are the most consistent winners, so pros (the people who usually win these events) will play with variants on established decks rather than completely new and unknown ones.
February 5, 2014 3:36 p.m.