Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 18, 2014, 6:44 p.m. by Rapter24
The current standard of MTG is bleeped. Cause it is pretty bad when what is top tier is mono blue, the worst mono deck next to white. So, how can they fix it... get rid of Aetherling for one, or get a counter, that isn't blue, to it. So, what is your answer.
Epochalyptik says... #3
The Q&A is for rules questions. Moved to Standard.
You're going to have to characterize why Standard is currently bad enough to warrant special fixing.
January 18, 2014 6:53 p.m.
I don't really see anything wrong with Standard. I mean, yeah mono-blue and mono-black are both pretty strong right now, but I run a pretty stereotypical esper build and I've beaten multiple variations of those builds. At the same time, I've beaten multiple RDW decks, a Naya deck, and a few WW, while losing to R/G monsters decks, a couple RDW, and even a very strong golgari deck. Maybe its just my meta, but I actually still see a good variety of strong decks. Once BNG hits, the card pool will expand, so that will help. But I think the idea that Wizards need to do something drastic right now is honestly silly.
January 18, 2014 7:03 p.m.
Standard is rather healthy, actually. A variety of decks are playable and brews are still ever-present and manage successful event finishes.
For context of what a truly broken Standard format is: I still have nightmares about playing against 4x Jace, the Mind Sculptor .
January 18, 2014 7:04 p.m.
Uhhh...welcome to Standard? The card pool is never big enough to support more than three or four tier one archetypes. Right now, those are Monstrous Gruul, Mono-Black Devotion, Mono-Blue Devotion, and U/W Control. To be honest, it's a lot healthier than last rotation, which was dominated by G/B/x Midrange decks, namely Junk Rites and Jund Midrange, for almost two years.
Before that, it was nothing but Delver. Before that? Caw Blade. Out of those, only Caw Blade deserved bannings. Specifically, Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Stoneforge Mystic . Stoneforge Mystic should have never been printed and Jace, the Mind Sculptor had too many relevant abilities for his mana cost and starting loyalty.
And before Caw Blade, it was Cruel Control. Before that, it was Faeries. Before Faeries, there was a decent time period in Standard which consisted of Ravnica Block, Time Spiral Block, Coldsnap, Ninth Edition, and Tenth Edition, the largest Standard has ever been since the creation of Type One and Type Two. Before that era, it was Ghazi Glare. Before that, it was Gifts. Affinity. Goblins. U/G Madness. Saproling Burst . White Rebels. Academy....pretty much every set there is one deck that dominates the format.
Trust me, Magic is in a good spot right now.
January 18, 2014 7:08 p.m.
megapenthes says... #7
The best time was when the RtR block was with the AVR block. That was cool a strandard meta.
January 18, 2014 7:13 p.m.
Dalektable says... #9
Uhh standard is pretty healthy right now. There is a good variety of decks to build, and a few tier one decks like usual. And i also don't see how you can straight up just call a mono-colored deck the "worst" variant. By what are you going off of here? You said mono white is the worst, yet Death and Taxes is a mono white Tier 1 deck in legacy. I just don't see where you come from, it's like your just spitting out opinions without justification for them.
January 18, 2014 7:27 p.m.
The biggest problem with Standard is that it was figured out too early. Delver of Secrets Flip , Mana Leak , Snapcaster Mage , Geist of Saint Traft , and Ponder were all Standard together for 5 months before anybody got the bright idea to play that shit together. MBD was the best it was ever going to be 3 weeks after Theros, and it's still the top deck in the format.
January 18, 2014 7:32 p.m.
Thats why I branched to other formats, As you get deeper and deeper in formats (standard, modern, legacy, vintage) the decks become vast and you wont always see the same thing nor will the same thing always win. One week it can be esper stoneblade next merfolk can win it all. Sure it may be expensive but your deck will not just rotate out and you have to start from scratch.
January 18, 2014 7:56 p.m.
Mono-blue devotion is arguably not even the best deck in standard - MBD is putting up better results, and MUD doesn't even run AEtherling . So no offense OP, but I think your judgement on the state of standard is flawed.
I would however like to disagree slightly with what many of the other folks have mentioned. I think it's correct to say that standard is healthy in terms of viable decks, I just think it's rather boring right now. We are currently in an environment with a incredible heavy emphasis on playing a lot of mono-colored permanents, value creatures next to 1-for-1 trades or just playing a lot of card advantage. There's really not any decks that are attacking the format in an exciting way.
That said, and something I think most folks are quick to forget, we are currently in the smallest pool of cards that standard ever gets - previous block, core set and first set. The diversity is only going to get better from here.
Devonin says... #2
1/ This isn't a rules question and isn't in the right spot
2/ I'd say MBD is ahead of MUD. In the past 2 months it has outperformed MUD pretty solidly. So why isn't this thread about stopping MBD?
January 18, 2014 6:52 p.m.