How do I make trap essence good?
Standard forum
Posted on Nov. 27, 2014, 12:40 a.m. by benelas16
I've opened up a LOT of these rares, so I figure if I'm going to be getting them, why not try and make them work, but how?! I know it turns on ferocious which would work amazing with my 4 Icy Blasts and some other spells. Is it viable to use in the format? Trap Essence
Yawgmoth73 says... #3
any card can be useful in some way. The problem with Trap Essence is that is only targets creature spells. There are many other counter spells that do the same thing or close to it and doesnt cost 3 different mana. The extra +1/+1 counters really are not going to be worth much unless you are using a deck that can make use of it effectively. Maybe on a Sage of Hours or something crazy like that.
November 27, 2014 1:19 a.m.
zyphermage says... #4
Yeah I can see Icy blast being playable, it won't ever be great. I disagree with the other poster, it is good just not great. Trap essence though is just plain bad, it has a three bad reasons. It counters only creatures, costs 3 colors, and the payoff to paying 3 colors and only countering a creature is counters on a creature? Permission based spells usually go in decks with few creatures.
November 27, 2014 3:30 a.m.
Souljacker says... #6
Maybe try a Temur heroic/tempo/midrange kind of deck with Monastery Swiftspear, Akroan Crusader, Hero of Leina Tower, Arena Athlete, Wavecrash Triton kind of stuff, probably won't be very good but yeah what do you want with Trap Essence.
Alternatively you could try and focus on counters with Hardened Scales, Solidarity of Heroes and something like Sage of Hours but that's more of a gimmick.
November 27, 2014 3:47 a.m.
obesechicken13 says... #7
It's already pretty good. It gets value as long as it counters an enemy creature. 2 counters is worth like 2 mana if you look at cards like Reap What Is Sown so as long as you counter a creature worth 1cmc, you've gotten value. It's probably best if you can play an early creature. Obviously hexproof and things like lifelink, flying, trample, and vigilance work best with large creatures. But if you just put it on an Heir of the Wilds or Rattleclaw Mystic that's still good.
It's a counter spell so you're leaving mana open on your opponent's turn. That usually means your deck is more controlling/midrange but aggro decks definitely can run counterspells too. Nothing better than Disdainful Strokeing your opponent's 4 mana Whip of Erebos or Siege Rhino.
Creatures with flash and instants work best with counterspells. That way if your opponent doesn't play anything, you're not just floating mana. But if that would warp your deck too much just add in what you think is good.
Dragon's Eye Savants can help you look at your opponent's hand and guess when they'll play creatures too. It's also a blocker than can often flip on the same turn it's cast. It's not considered a good card though.
Creatures that are hard to remove or not worth removing like Satyr Wayfinder or Sagu Mauler are more likely to stay on the board and be available for essence scatter to target.
It's conditional so you may not want to run 4 essence scatters, but throwing 2 into most temur decks isn't the worst thing you could do imo.
-Fulcrum says... #2
If you want to play it, the only thing I can think of is perhaps a 2-of in a midrangey tempo Temur deck. Though I'm not sure if Icy Blast will ever be good.
November 27, 2014 12:48 a.m.