How Does Sideboard?
Standard forum
Posted on Oct. 29, 2014, 3:52 p.m. by eatyourbabes
So I understand that side boarding is to help against other tough deck match ups after the first game, or to make adjustments to make your deck even better. What I want to know is what kind of cards should be in a sideboard vs main board though.
Personally I run mono-black aggro, so some things that I was thinking when building a side board first included the cards that I cut out of the deck when making it. I have a few higher cost creatures to swap in if I need bigger dudes or their effects, as well as low cost specific removal spells and utility enchantments in case the opponent is playing black as well.
Big Questions
-What should my thinking be when sideboarding and building a sideboard?
-What will a sideboard look like that will help me beat the current meta decks like abzan mid-range or jeskai tempo or Gruul monsters?
eatyourbabes says... #3
For anyone that was wondering...
I Have No Idea What I'm Doing (1st @ Game Day) Playtest
SCORE: 9 | 18 COMMENTS | 762 VIEWSOctober 29, 2014 4:14 p.m.
eatyourbabes says... #4
That black sideboard looks pretty good, but when and how do you use it against the meta decks? Like if you were playing jeskai or abzan what would you swap in and out of your deck?
October 29, 2014 4:20 p.m.
Your sideboard should be composed of cards that can either improve your gameplan against another deck, or severely hinder another deck's gameplan.
October 29, 2014 4:29 p.m.
nighthawk101 says... #6
Honestly? I have no sideboard plan. This deck is mostly played casually until I start playing Standard FNM again.
Once that happend, I'll start playteating and anslyzing my sideboard (and mainboard).
October 29, 2014 4:49 p.m.
JonathanSamurai says... #7
I'm not a good sideboard player, I generalize mine into specific removal. My Mardu side contains Ride Down , Despise , Erase and Shatter . It's best to play test against the meta and put cards in that troll the decks you're not running, but mine is the lazy way lol
October 29, 2014 5:13 p.m.
ThisIsBullshit says... #8
Yeah when I make a sideboard the thought process is usually:
What sort of decks are you playing against?
What cards hose/slow down those decks but are relatively easy to swap into your deck?
Add those cards into sideboard and play around with numbers until it seems right.
Sideboarding depends a lot on the meta and what you're playing against, IMHO.
October 29, 2014 8:06 p.m.
Nigeltastic says... #9
I often like to look at popular lists and place cards in my sideboard that are good in the matchup and can directly replace bad or dead cards in the main board. A good example is my main has Negate and my side has Disdainful Stroke for monsters matchups to replace it.
nighthawk101 says... #2
I've got a black aggro deck too, although it has more three drops than normal...
All You Need Is Kill Playtest
Standard williamgp99
SCORE: 29 | 9 COMMENTS | 4685 VIEWSThe current sideboard is...
-Deathtouch creatures for ground fatties
-Mardu Skullhunter against control and possibly midrange
-Despise against midrange
-A bit of removal until I get more in the main board
-Nighthowler for reanimator and maybe aggro
-Molting Snakeskin that are pretty much placeholders, swapping out for Festergloom for aggro
Sideboard thoughts: Basically, what cards will help me against deck X? I tend to think more of categories than specific decks/archetypes, at least until I can play games and isolate matchups.
October 29, 2014 4:11 p.m.