How many Thoughtseize/Duress for MB Aggro vs Control?
Standard forum
Posted on March 26, 2014, 7:06 p.m. by Bauhom
Let's say you're running 28 creatures in some type of mono-black aggro deck (no 4-drops). How many Thoughtseize/Duress would you want post-board? Obviously 4 Thoughtseize, but then how many Duress?
Complicating this is how many Hero's Downfalls you'd like to run. In this scenario, 1 or 2?
To make this harder, let's assume you've already got 28 creatures, 4 Mutavaults, 4 Thoughtseize, 1 Hero's Downfall, 1 Duress, and 1 Liliana of the Dark Realms (I really like her in this matchup; she can even kill a Fiendslayer Paladin). For each Duress or Hero's Downfall you add, you have to remove a creature.
What would you do? How many Thoughtseize/Duress (and Hero's Downfall) is just right? Thanks in advance!