How'd i do at the draft?

Standard forum

Posted on Dec. 29, 2012, 4 a.m. by KrimsonNekros

Posted the deck i made for this week's FNM. Thoughts are appreciated.

FNM 12/28 Booster Draft

Slycne says... #2

Congratulations on the foil Deathrite Shaman . Those are selling upwards of $20 right now. So that's something to be happy about regardless.

I would suggest trying to draft spells with greater impact next time around. Draft is naturally a slightly slower format, but even if you're trying to do an aggressive Rakdos deck: spells like Electrickery , Slitherhead and even Rakdos Shred-Freak sometimes should almost never be mainboarded. It's not that the cards are not decent per se, but they still take a card slot and while you're opponent is curving out 2 drop, 3 drop, 4 drop you're stuck with a hand full of cheap cards that can't compete with them.

A few other specific suggestions.

Pyroconvergence 5 mana do nothing enchantment, don't run them. Yeah, you've got a fair share of multi-colored cards, but you'll have probably casted most of them by the time you get this down.

Ogre Jailbreaker off a single guild gate is kind of rough. Gatecreeper Vine can help, but you're increasingly running cards that can't attack in a deck that wants to win quickly.

No Dead Reveler , Splatter Thug or Gore-House Chainwalker ? I would almost say it's not worth trying to force Rakdos without some of these staple cards. The magic number is being able to trade or kill 3 toughness.

December 29, 2012 11:51 a.m.

DaCeltics says... #3

I actually just won an FNM with a Junk deck that ran 3x Ogre Jailbreaker with only one Golgari Guildgate . He combos excellently with Axebane Guardian , as he can attack and still counts as a defender. However, my deck was not really fast, more of a midrange deck. I had answers to everything, breezed an easy 4-0 for 1st place.

December 29, 2012 1:16 p.m.

KrimsonNekros says... #4

I had a couple Dead Reveler and Gore-House Chainwalker come up early when i was drafting for golgari, but not once i'd shifted to the more aggro rakdos build unfortunately.

December 29, 2012 1:44 p.m.

MTG_Player says... #5

In RTR the best strategy is removal or a bomb, I consistently go 3 colors almost always with green, this is a deck I went undefeated with: FNM 3-0 Draft Deck 10/13/12

December 29, 2012 7:49 p.m.

DaCeltics says... #6

No one would ever be able to build that at my LGS, everyone takes removal. TBH, your chances of getting 11 removal spells, especially Dreadbore , Mizzium Mortars , 2x Annihilating Fire , and 2x Stab Wound .

December 29, 2012 7:57 p.m.

KrimsonNekros says... #7

Yeah not having much removal was a major problem i ran into. I'm definitely going to try and pull more for my next draft. Really kicking myself over that since i had a lot of shots at Annihilating Fire XO.

December 30, 2012 6:58 p.m.

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