Is it just me...
Standard forum
Posted on May 25, 2015, 1:29 p.m. by ChrisH
Or has standard gotten a lot more boring and fairly weak? I remember starting MTG in Fall 2013 and then the decks all were pretty awesome and had neat creatures/archetypes. Now it seems like its just value midrange and some simple control decks have taken over the meta. Again, I'm not that involved with standard but it just doesn't seem as cool. Is this true?
accelerando11 says... #3
Unless I'm wrong, Fall 2013 is about when Theros started, which is also about when I started to get into MTG as well.
It's probably just the whole "MTG was the best when I started playing!" syndrome. You were still new to the game, so you didn't know a whole lot, and so everything seems really awesome and there's so much to learn. But now, about a year and a half later (or so?) you know a lot more so everything just isn't as exciting. I stopped keeping track of what decks were prominent after Journey Into Nyx, because that's when quite a bit of the game started to feel not as fresh and exciting as it did when I started.
For me, I just try to look at it in a vacuum. Sure, I still think Theros is a great set no matter what other people will say - that's just how it's going to be. But every now and then I'll look at Standard and just see what's happening.
I don't play competitively (because of money and time) and have started to barely play at all, but I still hold the hope that one day I'll get back into it, regardless of if it seems "as cool" as it did when I first started.
May 25, 2015 1:45 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #5
Okay, so ISD/RTR Standard is widely considered to be one of the best Standard environments ever in the existence of Magic. Now imagine Standard with shocks and fetches... ridiculous right? Theros itself was kind of a speed bump and kind of ingenious from the perspective of R&D. Sure RTR/THS (I think it's THS) standard was miserable, they were resetting the power level of individual cards by introducing an insane mechanic (devotion) and making relatively crappy cards in terms of power level compared to what we had seen in the last two xpacs. I'm really excited to see what Standard will become now that we're finally going to be dropping Theros from rotation. We will be getting rid of a very powerful mechanic that has defined both standard environments it has existed in and KTK really seems like a great block to build upon.
May 25, 2015 3:05 p.m.
I think it was a bit stale in standard until DTK came out. Now there are several tier one decks out there to choose from and to play against. UB control and esper dragons are boring to play against and with though and those are two of the biggies in the current format.
May 25, 2015 5:15 p.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #7
It's just you. This is the best standard format by far in quite some time. Because: A) NO there's not just a few midrange decks and some control decks dominating, B) Aggro, Midrange, and Control are all very good in the format and consistently top 8 each week and each week, we don't see the same deck winning it all. C) We see about 3-4 of the same decks, at least some number of Abzan Aggro, some number of Atarka Red, Abzan Control, anything reanimator, Esper dragons, and r/g dragons. D) Theres always at least 1 deck that takes the format by surprise each week which again, continuously shakes it up. (Example: G/W Devotion when Mastery of the Unseen came out, G/W Company, Mono (splash green) blue devotion, B/W warriors, mono green aggro (not devotion), etc...). Whereas last format I can potentially say there was (and correct me if I'm wrong) only 3 top tier decks that won week after week after week (U/W Control, Mono-Black Devotion, or Mono-Blue Devotion?). The format is ever changing right now and with these 2 next blocks about to come here near the end of the year, I'm getting anxious to see how the format will develop yet again. I guess that's why I love standard because it's an ever changing puzzle whereas Legacy and Modern may get some new cards here and there that are viable to use, granted they don't get banned (sorry Treasure Cruise), but the format doesn't drastically change every year. Although you see modern/legacy players try to break new cards in modern/legacy and "break" the format.
bigguy99 says... #2
It's just a result of the sets in Standard. If they lean towards letting those archetypes dominate, then so be it.
May 25, 2015 1:36 p.m.