Is Jeskai Tempo still a thing?
Standard forum
Posted on May 13, 2015, 11:29 a.m. by Gorgosaurusrex
I haven't played in a Standard tournament or followed winning decklists in about six months. I'm looking to get back into Standard with my Jeskai Tempo deck.
Is this still a playable archetype? It doesn't appear to be doing well, according to mtgtop8... Any reason why?
Jeskai Tempo has shifted based on the meta. There's still Jeskai variants floating around, but the three main pillars of the format are currently, Atarka Red PDX Top 8 and Abzan Aggro MOCS 2015 and Esper Dragons PDX Open 2015.
Hope this helps.
May 13, 2015 1:55 p.m.
Gorgosaurusrex says... #4
Thanks for the decklists, Behgz. It's amazing how much the standard meta can change in 6 months. I'll definitely be doing some playtesting against those decks.
I think I'll be going with a modified version that I saw on mtgtop8. It has a few interesting choices like Ojutai's Command and Stratus Dancer in the mainboard, plus Mastery of the Unseen in the sideboard.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #2
The format, though still filled with Rhinos, has drastically sped up via RDW or Abzan Aggro, or Temur Aggro, or Jeskai Tokens...and then there is the control decks who have found their way into the spotlight and finally were able to get into the format and have a good deck. So the Jeskai Tempo from KTK standard I feel will not be all that great in DTK standard, though it could win a few games for you here and there. For your Jeskai Tempo deck, I recommend just going straight aggro based and use some of these awesome DTK cards.
May 13, 2015 12:35 p.m.