Is Mono-Black dead?
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 4, 2015, 5:04 a.m. by Metroid_Hybrid
So I've wanting to get back into Standard after a long(ish) hiatus, and I've been brewing a Mono-Black Aggro deck for a while now just for it. So a few weeks ago I checked the overall meta on mtgtop8 and I saw that what I came up with is very similar to what I saw (and some of them did pretty well I might add). But now it looks like it's completely fallen off of the map except for a single BS devotion deck from a MTGO daily (that did okay), and on top of that, I haven't been able to get ANY input on my deck at all lately on this site either despite semi-frequent cycling & two different "Deck Help" topics posted(I mainly want sideboard advice). offers some great control options, so what gives? Do non-, mono-colored decks really just suck, or is it just because the wedge theme has taken over? I want to know because I have this thing pretty much built and was planning to take it out for a spin at the next local FNM, but I just want to make sure that I'll at least be in a position to win a few booster packs (and not just embarrass myself)..
WotC is definitely pushing dual and tri-colored decks lately. Especially with the current block. I wouldn't say it's dead though, just on a hiatus.
January 4, 2015 5:54 a.m.
golffore297 says... #4
I've played a Mono-Black Deovtion (albeit not aggro) twice and FNM and have been able to win both times going 3-0 and 4-0 respectively. It was a little bit of a challenge to find the right build that works well, and there's been weeks where it has been weak, but it always does well. I also have a friend who plays Mono-Blue Devotion and also places highly with it each week.
January 4, 2015 8:31 a.m.
I wouldn't consider Mono Black a viable aggro deck at the moment, it's too fair. The most viable aggro decks are currently Jeskai Tokens and Abzan Aggro. Tokens has the ability it just do ridiculous turns where they do like 40 damage off a board of a couple goblins and a Jeskai Ascendancy. The Abzan Aggro deck can go long, with it's Fleecemane Lions and Wingmate Rocs, along with a bunch of walkers.
Dedicated aggro decks like Mono Black or Boss Sligh just aren't powerful enough to overcome the incidental lifegain most decks are packing, so I don't think it's really all that viable.
January 4, 2015 10:24 a.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #6
Mono Black Aggro is a solid deck. It's more than capable of doing well at FNM. It's a good deck to start playing now with it getting some shiny new toys that could push it back onto the competitive scene in FRF.
January 4, 2015 10:51 a.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #7
Mono-Blck Aggro is good, It's outclassed by Aggro (quicker kills & more consistent) but it's a fun and cheap deck that is totally viable.
TheHroth says... #2
Mono black aggro is a strong deck for sure, but is poor compared to the rest of the meta right now.
The top decks, Abzan, Sultai, Temur, and Jeskai primarily (and Jeskai has been falling out of favor) all have more than enough lifegain to sustain past the early plays of mono black, and once the aggro deck runs out of steam around T5, the stronger decks just take over. Temur doesn't have lifegain, but easily powers out massive creatures that simply beat yours.
My best suggestion to you would be to not use mono black, but to shift it into an abzan aggro deck, making use of Fleecemane Lion, Heir of the Wilds, and Siege Rhino in addition to most of your mono black shells 1 drops.
If you can, Sorin, Solemn Visitor would be an amazing addition, and you could more easily port into a / deck and keep even more of your current shell.
The thing with wedge colours is that they simply have the best cards. Siege Rhino, Mantis Rider, Savage Knuckleblade, and Sidisi, Brood Tyrant create powerful shells that are simply too good to not play.
January 4, 2015 5:33 a.m.