Jace's Ingenuity vs Dragonlord's Prerogative

Standard forum

Posted on March 11, 2015, 12:05 p.m. by pleasiodmakerblooloo

The question is whether to play Jace's Ingenuity or dragonlord's prerogative. I feel like the possible uncounterability of dragonlord's prerogative won't matter most if the time so it's basically Jace's Ingenuity vs Opportunity. Would really like some feedback thanks. :)

If you're running dragons, then run the Prerogative. If not, then run dragons.

March 11, 2015 12:07 p.m.

The Doctor says... #3

That's a terrible argument for why you should run dragons, haha.

Assuming you're running Control, then there are several things you need to consider. Mana cost and cards drawn based on CMC are MASSIVE things in Control, because that one mana difference can cost you the game.

I'd say test Dragonlord's, even if you don't have dragons, because it's essentially Opportunity. However if you feel that it's much too high on the curve, then obviously you should switch back to Jace's.

March 11, 2015 12:16 p.m.

I will personally be playing prerogative as a 2 of in my u/w control deck

March 11, 2015 1:15 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #5

The question really is, what else are you trying to do on turn 5 and turn six?

Well, on turn five, you could be slamming a board wipe, or holding up downfall and disdainful stroke, or slamming banishing light with stroke backup, you could be holding up ultimate price and dissolve, you could slam banishing light/hold downfall up and hold anticipate up, or you could be using Jace's Ingenuity.

On turn six, you could be slamming Elspeth if you are running white (unlikely as you want some mana to protect her, but possible), you could be slamming a banishing light with dissolve backup, you could be holding hero's downfall and dissolve up, you could be slamming Silumgar, you could be slamming Ashiok with Dissolve backup, or you could cast Dragon card draw.

There are of course more combinations but I was trying to make use of all your mana on that turn.

So in the first situation, you have two situations where you tap out (Slamming a board wipe, or slamming a banishing light with anticipate, ultimate price, or stroke backup). In the second situation, you have three situations where you tap mana on your turn (elspeth with no backup, ashiok with dissolve/downfall backup, or banishing light with downfall/dissolve backup).

From this, we can assume that your mana is more likely to be tapped out on turn six than it is on turn five, and as such, Jace's Ingenuity is probably the better choice. Also, it is easier to hit five land drops in a row than it is six. Also #2, it's easier to keep control of a game the later it goes so having card draw a turn earlier is important.

An argument for Dragon Opportunity, if you are running white, is turn five End Hostilities, turn six Dragon Opportunity, and turn seven Fated Retribution.

March 11, 2015 5:51 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #6

Excuse me, four on turn six where you tap out. Forgot about Silumgar.

March 11, 2015 5:52 p.m.

It depends on the build, really. Another thing to consider is that the first dig through time is often cast on turn 5. I run 4 digs and 4 end hostilities in my u/w control list, so my turn 5 is always taken. I actually run 0 copies of ingenuity because of this. I only have 2 elspeth (which I always wait to cast with countermagic up if possibble) and 3 banishing lights. So as you can see, I am way more likely to have mana available on turn 6 than turn 5

March 11, 2015 6 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #8

There are pros and cons to both. We're kind of spoiled for card draw at this point. Anticipate should definitely be a four of, selective cantrips at instant speed are insane. Dig should definitely be at least a three of, probably four. Narset, if you are blue white is prob a four of, if esper, prob 2-3. Jace's Ingenuity and this might not even really get spots.

And I guess I'd rather cast Ingenuity or Opportunity on five or six rather than Dig if I had the choice. They get you more cards. I like Dig more as a late game response that will allow me to find a counterspell and then counter something. But you almost will never take a land off of Dig unless it's a life gain land and you absolutely need life. But as far as pure card advantage and hitting land drops goes, ingenuity and opportunity are just better cards. Dig is great, don't get me wrong, but it's an specific answer finder, not really huge card advantage.

March 11, 2015 6:28 p.m.

asasinater13 says... #9

if you're reliably getting to six mana without the draw, prerogative is probably a good choice. If you need the draw to reliably get to six lands I would go ingenuity. It's good to note you don't use either the first time you have mana, but the first time you get a full series of turns without having to tap lands.

(also good to note I'm not a control player in any 60-card format, but in my experience card draw is just use when you have the opportunity, not make an opportunity to use)

March 11, 2015 7:05 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #10

asasinater13 I kinda disagree. It's always nice to get to use card draw when you haven't had to tap out, but sometimes you need to let something that could very easily kill you resolve in order to get some card advantage going.

Also, if you are reliably getting to six mana without card draw, that means that you really haven't drawn many threats, which is also bad. One extra mana for one extra card seems like a good trade off, and getting four cards for six mana is a better ratio than three cards for five mana, but actually hitting six lands is considerably harder than hitting five.

If anticipate didn't exist, and it was just jace's ingenuity vs this new opportunity, I would say it's Ingenuity hands down. With Anticipation to make sure you hit land drops, I think it's preference based. This opportunity is clearly stronger if you can get to it reliably.

March 11, 2015 7:37 p.m.

syncronym says... #11

Your thinking of this difference as 2 different card but i see it as XUU where x is a set amount. just my thought on that

March 15, 2015 8:56 p.m.

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