Jankiest FNM Deck?
Standard forum
Posted on June 24, 2013, 3:16 a.m. by DrTmitch
I don't know about everybody else, but I really enjoy running a jank, off-beat deck at my local FNM every once in a while. Sometimes, these decks are awful. But sometimes, these decks break even, and have placed me in 3rd before.
I placed 3rd and won $10 in-store credit at my local card shop using a Red-Deck wins style deck that featured 3 Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded just for laughs. And everybody did laugh, including myself; Especially the night this deck went 4-1. The decklist can be found here: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/tdw-tibalt-deck-wins/
Another janky deck that I ran just a few weeks ago was one that featured no rares and was based around aerial beatdown via Wind Drake and the like. I went 3-2 and even beat a deck that saw a playset of Voice of Resurgence , which was pretty satisfying. Decklist can be found here: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/drake-josh/
Has anybody else ran any jank decks at their FNMs lately? And if so, what are they? And how have they faired against more competitive decks?
hmm I'm not sure this qualifies as a real jank deck, but back when the scars block was still in standard along with innistrad I ran a G/W deck that revolved around ramping to Acidic Slime and then flickering the hell out of it with Cloudshift ,Restoration Angel , Conjurer's Closet , and Glimmerpoint Stag and destroying all my opponent's lands. It was super fun to play with, but it was pretty awful to play against, i'd imagine. And it also ran Stonehorn Dignitary as a secondary flicker target, just to keep myself safe from attacks. And if my opponent built up enough of a force that i couldn't deal with, i'd stonehorn lock them then wait while Gavony Township pumped my resto angels until they were a real threat.
The one time i took it to FNM i went 4-1 and caused someone to give me a super angry glare after top decking my fourth flicker card in a row to keep them from attacking.
June 24, 2013 3:46 a.m.
Unforgivn_II says... #4
Just to make things easier on people, (We are a lazy race...) add a < to the front of your link and a > to the end. It'll turn it into a hyperlink and people would be much more inclined to visit it. Also, since these are both on tappedout, there's another way of linking them as well. Anyway, here's links for you lazy ones:
On topic, I haven't done anything too weird. I haven't gone to many FNMs, buy I'm hoping to take a nearly finished version of Beast and the Harlot to this weeks FNM. I don't have the dual lands, so its basically suicide, but I'll get some good playtesting with basics before Friday to see if I should give it a go or hold off til I have the land.
June 24, 2013 3:48 a.m.
I dunno it you could call it janky, but when Scars was standard i made a G/W Myr token deck that came out of no where and was pretty nasty one highlight was making 20+ myr tokens in one turn off a couple Parallel Lives and 1 Shrine of Loyal Legions . Another was having nearly 50 or so Myr token with a couple Tempered Steel and Myr Galvanizer s so they were all like 6/6 or 7/7 and I cast Triumph of the Hordes was nasty and fun as hell (opponent was stalling me so I couldn't attack earlier, but when I did it was nasty xD
You can see the remnants of that great deck (I'm turning it into a Modern build now) in my What can Myr do for you!? :)
June 24, 2013 5:40 a.m.
I have built a few rather janky decks (they're strangely some of my decks that have been upvoted the most in the shortest periods of time) in the past and I've played them for a few weeks until admitting that they just don't work in the current meta's (like an infinite life soul sisters deck would have been great if it wasn't for Gut Shot being a 4 of in almost every deck).
One thing I've noticed about them though is that they always deal in absolutes, they build a combo and then one aspect of the game is cut from the opponent (like how 4 billion life makes it impossible for the opponent to win with damage, or how Possibility Storm with Curse of Exhaustion makes it impossible for the opponent to resolve a spell) which often results in the opponent no longer having fun (especially when the storm/curse combo deck's wincon is 2 Elixir of Immortality and it wins by decking the opponent with no mill) and they often give up afterward.
June 24, 2013 8:37 a.m.
I am the king of never being able to get my hands on the cards I need to play really good decks. Due to this fact I rarely take my decks to fnm and usually just play casual or go to shops for trades and experience. That being said, while I'm not sure if jank is the right word, I did run a deck at fnm back during timespiral and original ravnica blocks that ran 4 Nether Traitor , 4 Korlash, Heir to Blackblade , 4 Bridge from Below , 4 Leyline of the Void and 4 Grave Pact . By using the Nether Traitor to cycle one another by sacrificing to Nantuko Husk I could board wipe my opponent and then swing with a very hefty korlash thanks to repeated grandeur with the ability of Lord of the Undead
June 24, 2013 9:06 a.m.
I don't know that my deck is completely qualified for janky, but I liked the Simic evolve mechanic and play at FNM with that deck: Renegade Mutants
I splurged on the Master Biomancer and Hinterland Harbor , but everything else was cheap or I was lucky enough to get it in a pack. Farseek is great for targeting my few shocklands.
My opponents are usually surprised when they figure out what I'm running, but I think they are amused and I was a challenge to beat. (I ended up going 2-3 last time, but won one match every round). There's a lot of aggro R/G or R/B in my meta and a couple reanimators. I like running something out of the ordinary. Restoration Angel / Thragtusk ? Boring.
June 24, 2013 10:15 a.m.
aloehart199 says... #9
I ran a bant lifegain deck that focused on milling oneself, gaining mass life, then killing with chalice. Went 2-2.
Featured about 8 fog effects, 4 Chronic Flooding , 4 Elixir of Immortality to prevent milling myself, 4 Archangel's Light , 4 Gilded Lotus to crank out the light asap. and 4 Chalice of Life Flip for the wincon. It basically just fogged and self milled with chronic flooding until it could ramp out archangel's light, gaining 40+ life consistently. Then pop elixir of immortaility, shuffle the deck back in, and repeat until you burn them out with the chalice. Was fun
DaShPrime says... #2
I ran The Demon is Only in Your Mind at FNM before, the results are in the updates section. Everyone was quite surprised to be facing a mono-color deck, especially in this multicolor-loving format.
June 24, 2013 3:40 a.m.