Jund Aggro: Card Choices- Mogg Flunkies or Strangleroot Geist?
Standard forum
Posted on April 1, 2013, 8:45 p.m. by pumpkinsword
I switched from Naya Blitz to Jund Aggro, as it would fail against most midrange decks (the majority of decks at my fnm). Here it is right now: Jund-atize me Cap'n!.
Card choices:
Strangleroot Geist or Mogg Flunkies ?
Geist Pros: faster, more resilient, can evolve Experiment One twice.
Geist Cons: Double green, Pillar of Flame (which has been seeing less play due to lack of zombies now) In my deck 18/22 land sources can make G, can't Burning-Tree Emissary into geist.
Flunkies Pros: Bigger Body, trades or beats early creatures, evolves Experiment One up to a 3/3, can Burning-Tree Emissary into him.
Flunkies Cons: Not as fast, pretty large drawback (control players love this).
Another option I've seen is Crimson Muckwader , but not really liking him that much yet.
detentionsphere says... #2
Strangleroot Geist is a way better card, but I think that Flunkies is the way to go here, since you only have 1 other 2-drop (Boar) that you can BTE into and you desperately need more. I would run Geist in the sideboard though, as he's awesome vs control (haste, resilient to Supreme Verdict . So if those two are your choices, Flunkies is better. However... Lightning Mauler is better than both; turn 1 Cackler into turn 2 BTE + Mauler is explosive and he will lead to many nut draws.
April 1, 2013 9:29 p.m.