Junk Lifegain+Counters midrange suggestions (or ideas/strategies)

Standard forum

Posted on April 4, 2014, 11:38 p.m. by Domonator777

So I have these Corpsejack Menace 's, and I wanna make a lifegain deck with them mainly because of Sunbond .

I know that it isn't much help, but yeah that's pretty much the idea there and some help would be appreciated.

-Thank you

In addition to the mentioned 5 drops... Soldier of the Pantheon , Scavenging Ooze , Fiendslayer Paladin (WW wont be hard on turn 3 with shocks & scrys.. I play Brimaz consistently in my Junk deck), Bow of Nylea , Whip of Erebos , Pharika's Cure , Last Breath , Lotleth Troll , Corpsejack Menace , Kalonian Hydra , Polukranos, World Eater , Nylea's Disciple , Centaur Healer , Mistcutter Hydra and a ton of other stuff I cant think of off the top of my head. Most of what I mentioned are more sb options or underwhelmingly useful cards. But youre going to need serious removal playing Junk to compete against devotion/aggro/monsters/etc, & Junk offers some of the best removal.

April 6, 2014 4:43 a.m.

also Ajani, Caller of the Pride would be perfect and a meat shield if needed. Trostani, Selesnya's Voice is also cute especially with Obzedat. Golgari Charm is also incredibly fucking awesome in the meta, everyone plays enchantments and or enchantment creatures and removal or mass removal. But everything Ive mentioned is either an option or a recommendation (I wouldnt consider what I said as advice), there's seriously a lot of options when you want to do a counter/lifegain Junk deck. One of the problems is that your obvious Key cards Archangel, Blood Baron, & Obzedat are all 5 drops (and potentially Kalonian Hydra ) and that you'll need several things working together and out at the same time to make it a really strong deck. GL

April 6, 2014 5:09 a.m.

Domonator777 says... #5

Sylvan Caryatid and Voyaging Satyr for ramp maybe?

April 6, 2014 12:02 p.m.

Domonator777 says... #6

For removal I'm thinking Hero's Downfall ,Putrefy ,and Selesnya Charm

April 6, 2014 12:07 p.m.

All good. But I would really recommend Abrupt Decay . Everyone plags spells with CMC 3 or less. Gets you things like Brimaz, King of Oreskos , Boros Reckoner , Detention Sphere , Domri Rade , & lots of enchantments/bestows. But I wouldnt run a playset but definitely have 2-3 mb. & just in casr you run into another Lotleth Troll , its heavy hit getting rid of one.

April 7, 2014 5:21 a.m.

All good. But I would really recommend at least some number of Abrupt Decay . Everyone plays spells with CMC 3 or less. Gets you things like Brimaz, King of Oreskos , Boros Reckoner , Detention Sphere , Domri Rade , & lots of enchantments/bestows. & just in case you run into another Lotleth Troll , its heavy hit getting rid of one. and I really like running Putrefy just as much if not more than Hero's Downfall . Less to worry about getting BB and you can probably beat up most PWs and hitting artifacts with Putrefy gets all the Gods' weapons and a control player's Elixir of Immortality .

April 7, 2014 5:35 a.m.

Oops, thats weird my preview post got published before and after editing...

April 7, 2014 5:36 a.m.

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