Standard forum
Posted on Feb. 9, 2014, 12:28 a.m. by abenz419
So, I've been testing this out lately in a deck idea I have. There are quite a few Blue and Green cards that I really like so I've been toying around with a U/G deck. There is just not enough interaction with your opponents board in a deck like this since it's creature based I don't have counterspells because the mana is being spent trying to curve out with my creatures. The bulk of my creatures being Polukranos, World Eater , Arbor Colossus , Nylea, God of the Hunt , Prophet of Kruphix , and Master Biomancer . In the deck, I've been using the follower as kind of a 2/2 mana ramp to help get into those bigger creatures. I like it cause it can untap anything I need it to, and top decking it late game with a biomancer on board gives me a 4/4, at least, for 2. The problem I've been having is that it dies so easily to removal and I don't get to ramp with it and stall. Also testing it out on Cockatrice I've been running into a lot of people playing agro burn and Searing Blood has been killing me because the follower is a 2/2. Anyone else been having problems testing with this card? I really like it but if it's gonna be too vulnerable and a liability then I think I'd rather just play Sylvan Caryatid for the ramp and sacrifice the flexability of being able to untap anything like a creature in defense.
abenz419 I recently built a deck using Kiora's Follower too in a simic ramp deck. Could you post your deck link? I'd love to take a look at what you came up with.
February 9, 2014 6:34 a.m.
@maxon I didn't originally have the decklist on here because it was just an idea I was having fun with on cockatrice, but I added it on here so you can take a look.
Simic Midrange Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 4 VIEWSThis list reflects some changes I've made. Originally I thought ramp was the way to go but there is just so little interaction with your opponents board. All it takes is one kill spell from them to set you behind a turn and you can't react and do anything about their board in return. Now it's less midrange ramp, and more of a midrange deck with some early control and tempo plays to keep your opponent somewhat in check as you work towards getting out the big guys. FYI: in this deck concept, the caryatid has been much better What I sacrifice in flexability I make up for in consistency and reliability. As much as I like the follower, I'm thinking more and more that it's just a cool limited trick to make use of the Inspired mechanic.
February 9, 2014 12:10 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #5
If you're choosing between Kiora's Follower and Sylvan Caryatid , then you definitely want to go with the Caryatid. However, you can run a list with both. I used to run Voyaging Satyr in my GU Devotion deck (My Prophet, Your Loss (Top 4 FNM) but replaced it with the Follower when it came out.
I'm honestly surprised to hear that Searing Blood is in anyone's mainboard if that is indeed the case. It's a great card if it works but is a dead draw in sooooo many matchups. Anyways, the hard truth is that any ramp deck is going to have a bad matchup against burn decks. However, I feel that GU is on pretty even footing against MUD, MBD, and UW, which are the top decks in the format, so it's certainly a viable archetype in which Kiora's Follower can be a big contributor. There's no such thing as a deck with no bad matchups, or a card with no vulnerabilities, so unless your LGS is overflowing with burn decks, you should be fine overall.
February 10, 2014 12:32 a.m.
Like I said, it was just something I was testing out. I thought being a 2/2 and able to untap anything might be more relevant, but really the way I was trying to make use of it the caryatid was just better in that situation. And yes they were running Searing Blood main board. At that time I was running into a lot of opponents on cockatrice that were playing boros aggro testing out that new Satyr Firedancer . Which if you can get that out on turn 2 can actually do some work. Especially since in the earlier versions of my deck I didn't run as many copies of Rapid Hybridization and for the most part the only thing I could do is bounce it to their hand. With that thing out, Boros Charm to the face now kills a creature with a 4 toughness or lower as well.
SpaderAce says... #2
Then just run Sylvan Caryatid , since it can block aggro all day, and has hexproof so it will last for years. Plus, by the time you have creatures to untap with the follower, you won't need them to block since you have the caryatid. Take a look at my deck for some ideas, it's similar to what you're talking about: Oh look, I'm tappedout, BUT WAIT! (Please Feedback
February 9, 2014 4:25 a.m.