KoT Meta Change

Standard forum

Posted on Sept. 8, 2014, 11:42 p.m. by tman007

I have been looking to find any KoT cards that fill in the existing decks, with little to no cards doing that. I know there is nothing for G/W aggro so far, because I have been looking out for it. Is there anything out that slots into a current tier 1 deck? Personally, I haven't seen much, other than fetches of course. Is there anything I'm missing?

To me, this is a good thing, because it means there will be a period of time after rotation where we all get to try and build the new big thing, and there is no given meta to sideboard for. This makes it much more interesting to me because you never know what you are going to face. After a couple months of MBD, Monsters, MUD, or UWx Control being 70 percent of the matchups, this will be a breath of fresh air for me. How about you guys? Do you prefer the set meta that you know your way around, or do you prefer the excitement of sitting across from a deck that you have no idea what it is about to do?

Shill says... #2

I honestly hope that almost none of the current decks survive to be T1. I am worried that people wont even try to make clan decks that are T1 competitive. I have been looking at pre ordering some cards, but I dont want to get stuck in with KoT and then find out rabble red is just the best deck. I guess we will find out soon enough.

September 8, 2014 11:49 p.m.

blackmarker90 says... #3

Rabble Red (and variants) will be top dog for a bit, but after everyone figures out where the power is it will be t1.5

September 8, 2014 11:56 p.m.

Nigeltastic says... #4

I imagine the format will change dramatically and slow down a ton, except for a few mono-colored aggro decks that will try to prey on those decks.

September 9, 2014 12:35 a.m.

kanofudo says... #5

the monsters shell will probably survive. between Sylvan Caryatid , Courser of Kruphix , Xenagos, The Reveler , Polukranos, World Eater , Stormbreath Dragon and other such fun staples splashing blue for temur stuffs should leave it quite strong

September 9, 2014 12:44 a.m.

subrosian says... #6

I just want to see how much of an effect Morph will have on standard.

September 9, 2014 1:25 a.m.

Dalektable says... #7

Almost all of the current tier one decks will crumble, the only ones that will survive really are Monsters and Rabble Red.

September 9, 2014 8:05 a.m.

Ultimaodin says... #8

Monsters will just go Temur. The lose Domri but gain the uncounterable Khan and the Ascendancy giving them card advantage.

Otherwise, learn to do some new strategy. I'm actually hoping Temur has more Flash creatures so I can play Flash and Burn. Why, because the name. No other reason.

September 12, 2014 8:23 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #9

Only 3 Enemy wedge will see play I predict. Mardu, Abzan and Sultai. Mardu and Abzan will be nearly identical copies of each other in warrior tribal, and Sultai will be midrange control.

The problem WotC did with printing allied fetches in KTK (which was a stupid idea, enemy fetches would make a LOT more sense to fit in with their enemy wedge themes) is that it makes ally shard decks much more faster than enemy wedges. Being able to run 8 fetches instead of 4 effectively speeds you up by 1-3 turns, and prevents anywhere from 2-5 life from being lost from the pain lands and Mana Confluence .

September 13, 2014 3:04 a.m.

@ Femme_Fatale has it in the right. Now that my joy of the Fetch reprint has died down (I play Modern) I have started to wonder why the enemy fetches didn't see a reprint. It's a wedge themed set and yet dealing with allied fetching is far more difficult in standard for mana fixing. See, in Modern we still have the shock-lands, but that kind of mana fixing is generally insane in standard.

On topic: Here I disagree with Femme_Fatale. Only so far in predicting that Temur will see play over Sultai. I'm more of a Sultai fan myself, but I think Temur has better access to the meta right now. The reliance on Delve seems a little weak. Though I am usually awful at meta predictions so by all means I could be completely wrong.

September 13, 2014 10:34 a.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #11

Temur is a sleeper at the moment. It has really powerful creatures but absolutely no hard removal besides fights or damage based on creatures. What Temur really needs is something that can straight up kill a creature regardless of your boardstate, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

September 13, 2014 3:36 p.m.

Ultimaodin says... #12

Femme_Fatale - Given Red Green Monsters had the same 'drawbacks' in regards to removal, I don't think it will have too much issue. Given they have access to both burn and counter spells, I doubt Temur NEEDS killspells. That would make them way too strong.

September 14, 2014 1:57 a.m.

nighthawk101 says... #13

I'm hoping that Mono Black Aggro will be at least tier 2.

Azban counters looks like a fun build, at least.

September 14, 2014 7:06 p.m.

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