Language and standard legal detection
Standard forum
Posted on March 12, 2015, 3:55 p.m. by Atanar
Can anyone explain this to me? (marking for standart legal):
German Unsummon is copyright 1996, one of the english ones is copyright 1995, and the other one is M12.
Both Eyes of the Watcher are from the same edition.
Is it just a buggy system or are the rules diffrent for german cards?
Servo_Token says... #3
Aqueous Form is also standard legal.
The current standard legal sets are Theros, Born of the Gods, Journey to Nyx, Magis 2015, Khans of Tarkir, and Fate Reforged. If one of your cards is not in any of those sets, it is not standard legal. Past printings of a card that is legal are also legal. For example, if you have a Lava Axe from 8th edition or whatever, it's legal to play because Lava Axe was in M15.
March 12, 2015 4:28 p.m.
Ah okay, so the detection is at fault. Thanks, case closed.
HolyFalcon says... #2
Neither of those are in standard. In fact, nothing in that snapshot is asides from Peel from Reality.
March 12, 2015 4:01 p.m.