Looking for a R/W, R/U, U/W or R/U/W Aggro/control deck
Standard forum
Posted on Sept. 26, 2013, 11 p.m. by Jlyons44
I'm looking to get into standard and wanted to play an aggro/control deck. Would be much appreciated for any ideas.
chandlerwrx06 says... #3
KINDA dick move on my part cuz it cycles out today.
But take a look at this TO'er's control. . Dubstep Control (Post Rotation) not aggro, and its esper BUT its also pretty cool. Dont really know what to link here. . not sure what youre looking for. Heres my U/W No talking in DETENTION!!(post rotation)
September 27, 2013 1:53 a.m.
I like TO's, and yours both. I'm new to magic and so far I like decks with the ability of aggro at the beginning and then into control for the later part. I was also looking into tempo decks as well. I plan on making a few new decks for standard now theros has rotated in.
September 27, 2013 7:38 a.m.
chandlerwrx06 says... #5
If you are trying to go for more of an aggro feel with control aspects try looking into some of the BANT builds here on TO.. I saw one earlier today and I just cant find it again. But there are a lot of great builds and some pretty bad ones lol, But using the Bant Hexproof build netdeck for a kind of guide its basically plug and play until you find the cards to fit your playstyle and synergy.
Dirt3pz says... #2
isnt it easyer to google it than to make people link their random decks?
September 27, 2013 12:42 a.m.