Magma Jet Vs. Searing Blood
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 29, 2014, 4:21 a.m. by Some1TookMyName
Mainly I'm putting together a deck (3-colors) with Satyr Firedancer and while Searing Blood combos well with it, and I have it in the SB, I feel like I should much rather use Magma Jet MB. With or without Firedancer, it just seems smarter to use Magma Jet. Thoughts?
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #3
I agree with putting Searing Blood on the sideboard and Magma Jet on the main. The scry 2 is a huge advantage, and it's also nice to be able to target a player or redirect damage to a Planeswalker. I always think that it's better to be flexible on the main when in doubt. Searing Blood will be a dead draw in many matchups, including MBD, Esper, an UW, which are some of the most popular decks in the format.
January 29, 2014 5:15 a.m.
wishdragon says... #4
Yes exactly what ChrisHannsonBiomancin said. That's why I suggested Fated Conflagration it kills every planeswalker in the meta game today, specially in Control Macthups when you really need to kill Jace, Architect of Thought and Elspeth, Sun's Champion .
January 29, 2014 5:40 a.m.
beakedbard says... #5
Link to the deck? If you were going mono-red or just splashing white I'd say use both but with 3 colors Magma Jet is always better because it only costs 1R not RR and the library manipulation is needed in 3 color decks.
January 29, 2014 12:30 p.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #6
It is mainboard material. Only against U/W control builds is it a dead card and in those match ups you side in Skullcrack if it's not already main or another burn spell that can hit face.
January 29, 2014 1:16 p.m.
Some1TookMyName says... #7
Well the forum says no decklists, but it's under my profile thing. The deck is half red, splashed American. I do have Skullcracks, still debating on 2 or 3 in the SB. But thanks everyone for the feedback, I feel a lot better about my decision... Friends and local lgs players keep saying searing blood is too good but whatever
January 29, 2014 2:45 p.m.
Some1TookMyName says... #8
And I'm also not so worried about using Fated Conflagration since I have Turn / Burn and Warleader's Helix . And Ideally with Satyr Firedancer I can target the player with Boros Charm and Warleader's Helix and Burn from Turn / Burn . But I never know what I'll start seeing, I'll keep it in mind.
wishdragon says... #2
Magma Jet scry 2 is what makes it so good. It adds consistency to your deck. I run it in a R/W aggro and it's just awesome when you need to get good draws always. Instead of Searing Blood , Fated Conflagration would do even more for you!
January 29, 2014 4:42 a.m.