Manna Acceleration
Standard forum
Posted on March 8, 2013, 11:30 a.m. by gufymike
Besides arbor elves and similar, what else is available for early round mana acceleration for bant standard.
Rayenous, yeah I'm looking to see if I can cast a turn 2 4cmc spell, I know turn 3 is possible with the named artifacts and elves, but hoping for just a bit faster, I'm guessing not.
March 8, 2013 11:52 a.m.
I've looked into what the most mana on any particular turn is for Standard. Currently, unless I am missing something, it is as follows:
T1 = 1 (land)
T2 = 3 (2 land + 1CMC mana creature)
T3 = 11 if you're on the play, 13 if you're on the draw (3 land, and 4 total 1 cmc mana creatures, then 2 or 3x Infernal Plunge and/or Battle Hymn)
T4+ = Unlimited (various possible combos)
March 8, 2013 12:14 p.m.
note... the T3 available mana means there's nothing in your hand to use the mana on... but you can get the mana. - 9 or 11, if you still want to have something else in your hand to play.
March 8, 2013 12:17 p.m.
Burning-Tree Emissary would allow for those large mana acceleration plays. But not in bant.
Rayenous says... #2
Farseek is probably the best option. It puts the land directly into play, rather than your hand.
Things like Borderland Ranger are good for ensuring you get the land drops as well as choosing the mana colour you need..., but it doesn't actually "ramp", as it doesn't increase the amount of mana beyond the 1 land per turn. (Not that that should be a deterrent from using these effects... they are still good, I just don't call them ramp.)
Depending on how early you're talking, there are a few artifacts. - Chromatic Lantern is ramp, as well as mana fixing. - Azorius Keyrune - Selesnya Keyrune - Simic Keyrune are good as well, allowing for both mana ramp as well as creatures if needed. - Note that mana artifacts, unlike mana creatures can be used right away... thus you can cast something else... let's say a Avacyn's Pilgrim, the same turn as the artifact. This can ramp the ramp if you get the chance.
March 8, 2013 11:42 a.m.