Mono-Black - Doom Blade Alternative?

Standard forum

Posted on Oct. 15, 2013, 1:32 p.m. by Krayhaft

I noticed that mono black has a lot of good choices for kill spells this standard...but a lot of them are conditional.

What are some good kill spells for mono black that are CMC 2 or less? I know of Doom Blade , Ultimate Price , and Dark Betrayal , but is there anything at that cost that's less restrictive?

Ohthenoises says... #2

Devour Flesh is a good effect.

October 15, 2013 1:39 p.m.

Zurnic says... #3

Devour Flesh? The reason that those spells are so conditional is because of their low cost. Wizards has to strike a balance between having something be powerful for the player using it and the person they're playing against.

October 15, 2013 1:41 p.m.

Rhadamanthus says... #4

You're not going to get a large amount of freedom inside that range of mana costs. The cards that have already been named are the best and brightest ones.

October 15, 2013 1:44 p.m.

Krayhaft says... #5

I agree, I was just wondering if there was something that I had missed.

I do like the duality of Doom Blade /Dark Betrayal though. At least one of those cards will be effective.

October 15, 2013 1:47 p.m.

Rayenous says... #6

Thoughtseize before they get a chance to cast the threat is probably the best option, as it's the only one that lets you choose the target in all cases... as it can hit non-creature cards as well.

But once it's on the battlefield, Doom Blade is best, and sideboard it out for Dark Betrayal or Devour Flesh as needed.

I'd still suggest the 3CMC spell - Hero's Downfall , as it has the additional use of hitting Planeswalkers.

October 15, 2013 1:51 p.m.

xzavierx says... #7

most people are overlooking Quag Sickness and Pharika's Cure as options. but again have limitations.

i would main board Hero's Downfall , Doomblade and Devour Flesh while keeping Quag Sickness , Dark Betrayal and Pharika's Cure on sideboard duty

October 15, 2013 2:04 p.m.

maxon says... #8

agree with xzavierx on Quag Sickness being a potential winner. it is great for so called indestructible creatures.

October 15, 2013 2:15 p.m.

abenz419 says... #9

in my mono-black deck i'm running Doom Blade and Hero's Downfall main board and Dark Betrayal in my sideboard to replace the Doom Blade in a black on black matchup

October 15, 2013 3:29 p.m.

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