Mono Black...
Standard forum
Posted on Oct. 26, 2013, 10:45 p.m. by Stone_Munkee
This deck is beyond obnoxious... How do you even deal with it? Once they can get a Pack Rat on the field with any form of card draw like Underworld Connections it's pretty much game over. But aside from that, between Duress Thoughtseize and Lifebane Zombie , they're always going to know what's in your hand and ontop of that they've made you discard several cards already. Pounds of removal from Devour Flesh , Doom Blade , Dark Betrayal , and Hero's Downfall . And to top it off, they can stabilize through anything with Whip of Erebos or Gray Merchant of Asphodel . SO what is the way to go around beating this?
harrydemon117 says... #2
Actually it's not a bad thing. Basically 3 turns to wipe them all away. And since they're not that fast you can build up to it.
If you run enough spot removal, you can just hit Pack Rat when he hits the board, but having Ratchet Bomb in hand when they cast Pack Rat is still a good thing
October 31, 2013 6:51 p.m.
Stone_Munkee says... #3
@harrydemon117 It was meant to reinforce, but also to state that the likelihood of it switching to just straight swamps is probably very small, as Underworld Connections is a big part of the deck.
October 31, 2013 11:35 p.m.
harrydemon117 says... #4
Why would going all swamps have anything to do with Underworld Connections ? It can enchant a swamp or any other land..
November 1, 2013 8:13 a.m.
Stone_Munkee says... #5
because a single Pithing Needle will shut it down then. you need to name the land that Underworld Connections is enchanting for the draw ability to be neutralized
November 1, 2013 8:17 a.m.
His point was that Pithing Needle shuts down Underworld Connections by naming the land, not Underworld Connections itself, so if Pithing Needle comes down naming Swamp , you can still stick your Underworld Connections on a Temple of Deceit or Temple of Silence .
Ohthenoises says... #1
Since they say that they are "token copies" they retain the 2 cmc because one of the copy-able values is CMC (see Clone ).
October 31, 2013 1:54 p.m.