Mono Blue after Born of the Gods**
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 9, 2014, 1:04 a.m. by kryptic8956
I need opinions. I almost have the complete Mono Blue devotion deck, but now im starting to wonder if devotion will be any good after Born of the gods.What do you think???
Servo_Token says... #3
Considering that we know for sure what 2 of the cards are, and have a pretty good assumption about 5 more, There's literally no telling how good it's going to be. Just wait until next week when spoilers start coming out.
January 9, 2014 1:24 a.m.
The Doctor says... #5
You guys know that blocks and sets are made like, months or even year(s) in advance, right? Then they have like ~50 cards they can do some swapping with if something is crazy unbalanced.
Meaning they may have not even known that Mono Blue would have been so powerful. Meaning that they may not HAVE anything to power it down.
January 9, 2014 1:40 a.m.
Stone_Munkee says... #6
Except that Mono black is better in every way and wins more than Mono Blue does...
January 9, 2014 5:23 a.m.
Stone_Munkee says... #8
It's really not "just an opinion". The proof is in the pudding
January 9, 2014 6:49 a.m.
beakedbard says... #9
Its more deck dependent really both have their strengths and weaknesses and both are incredibly strong in standard atm but i wouldn't say either is better I'd say it depends on the person playing them and the deck they are facing.
On the note of the thread I'd say play it i doubt devotion will become useless in the next set in fact its likely to get stronger. There might be some kind of anti devotion cards in the next set but i still think its worth playing considering its strong and you have most of the cards already.
January 9, 2014 8:22 a.m.
kryptic8956 says... #10
I thought about buying a playset of [nightveil specter]. Or just wait until Born of the gods to come out? And see if they will have anything that will take its place in mono blue.
January 9, 2014 9:15 a.m.
Servo_Token says... #11
On the nightveil front, I'd also say wait it out. There's going to be more cards that both MUD and MBD can utilize, and to be honest, nightveil is still a pretty bad card (Note that it has existed in bilk bins for the majority of its existence).
If its still being used, go for the purchase. I just wouldn't speculate on it any further.
January 9, 2014 12:42 p.m.
Nightveil specter will never be replaced in my opinion although it was a bulk card previously it was never bad it just never had a home. It's a 3 mana triple hybrid devotion. I believe they won't print anything to replace it so go for the specters
January 9, 2014 1:52 p.m.
beakedbard says... #13
I think Nightveil Specter has reached the peak of its price to be honest i think people are surprised its as high priced as it is now. It will most likely start dropping in price unless blue or black devotion gets better so yeah if its that card you need to get its probably worth waiting I'm assuming you have other decks you can use instead.
January 9, 2014 3:37 p.m.
kryptic8956 says... #14
Yea, i have budget deck that i can use until born of the gods come out. I guess it would be smart and wait on buying Nightveil Specter. Just sucks that ive been saving money to buy the deck and now it might just suck. :( But oh well..
January 9, 2014 4:57 p.m.
I promise you mono blue will not leave the meta with born of the gods
January 14, 2014 10:51 a.m.
The Doctor says... #16
I wouldn't be surprised to see it splashing black though if the new B/U God turns out to be good.
January 14, 2014 2:40 p.m.
Dalektable says... #17
I wouldn't say Nightveil Specter is a terrible card...on the contrary it was my favorite card from that set. This completely disregarding it's devotion. With that being said, i am a stickler for junk rares that i think are awesome.
January 14, 2014 9:29 p.m.
kryptic8956 says... #18
So far born of the gods, hasn't done anything to mono. CaN a brother get a little help.
January 14, 2014 10:43 p.m.
Arorsthrar says... #19
Well there's Mindreaver , which is not a good card, but is good devotion. It might not be used until rotation because there's Frostburn Weird and Tidebinder Mage .
ryuzaki32667 says... #2
We won't really know until after some spoilers. Chances are they may print a hoser for them but at the same time there will Probly be new tools for the devotion decks as well
January 9, 2014 1:24 a.m.