Most under rated cards in Standard?
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 9, 2013, 11:13 a.m. by hjwing
So, I have a list I keep of 'under rated' cards meaning those cards that peeps use on occasion but doesn't reach the level of Thragtusk or Huntmaster of the Fells Flip in terms of using that card if at all possible. Two stipulations, I'm a big Golgari fan and I reserve the right to change my mind at any time:). Anyhow, my thoughts below.
- Disciple of Bolas - This card just seems to be so under valued. You gain life AND you get a dramatic card advantage (depending upon what you're sacrificing naturally). Sure, the loss of an already cast creature can be viewed as 'the downside' but I think the upside is vastly worth the effort.
- Wolfir Silverheart - The only drawback I can see on this is the 5 casting cost....this card makes every other creature from the 1/1 token to the Big Kahuna (read Griselbrand ) even more threatening. Totally breakable....very seldom seen.
- Golgari Charm /Selesnya Charm - Okay...the argument can be made that these are utility cards and perhaps shouldn't be included but I had to do it anyhow. I hardly ever see either of these charms utilized...maybe it's a regional thing? (So Cal area).
Most be a local meta thing, because nearly every deck that touches GW is running Selesnya Charm , I think the only real exception is Bant Control. There are a lot of fatties worth exiling at instant speed, and most decks running GW will resolve the other 2 options at some point.
January 9, 2013 11:44 a.m.
I run 3 wolfir silverhearts and 2 selesnya charms in my g/w aggro deck. and i run the golgari charms in my jund sideboard.
January 9, 2013 12:46 p.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #6
Anyone notice how fairly priced Sewer Shambler is? How reachable it's scavenge cost is... how suddenly, with the shocklands, landwalk is actually a viable form of evasion. For a common card i think it's pretty underappreciated.
January 9, 2013 1:16 p.m.
Gatecrashed says... #7
@ Jimhawk I agree 100% I witnessed a game in which one player dropped Thundermaw Hellkite tapped out and swung for 9, bringing the other player down to 4. The other guy untapped, dropped Zealous Conscripts grabbed his tundermaw, and swung a hellrider, zealous, thundermaw, and ash zealot for game. Plus we can't forget about the infinite mana combo with him Deadeye Navigator , and Gilded Lotus .
January 9, 2013 3:56 p.m.
Lightning Mauler , in aggro and midrange this guy is just boss, throw in a little mana ramp and you can be swinging with a Wolfir Silverheart turn 3 or 4
January 9, 2013 5:52 p.m.
Underworld Connections gives black massive card advantage, and as a proponent of "Seeing more cards wins you the game", I support it wholeheartedly.
I hope with the Boros Legion coming into standard with Gatecrash, perhaps Thatcher Revolt will see more play to take advantage of Battalion.
card:Curse of Death's Hold is also an under appreciated card, token decks are just dead to it, and most ramp decks are shot considering all their mana producing dorks like Arbor Elf and card:Avacyn's Pilgrim just die as well. it's also one way to take out Invisible Stalker and Snapcaster Mage since U/W flash decks those are the win conditions.
January 9, 2013 6:47 p.m.
Blasphemous Act with card:Faith's Reward could be a game winner for boros.
January 12, 2013 11:53 p.m.
MinscAndBoo says... #11
Wild Defiance tends to be associated with broken Infect decks, but it's a really solid (and fun) card to build around. deck:weirds-gone-wild.
Ambush Viper has never gotten enough play. I've heard it called "the green doom blade" and that's not much of a stretch! You tapped out for a Dreg Mangler or a Hellrider ? Thx, my mono-green deck can handle that no prob. Tuffy Bear's Fight Club.
Also, Nivmagus Elemental gets insane very quickly. Blue Beats. Which reminds me, Artful Dodge was a real sleeper card as well.
January 14, 2013 4:54 p.m.
Jace_the_Mind_Scluptor697 says... #12
ehem! SELESNYA CHARM GETS LOADS OF PLAY! wolfir silverheart isn't good because the 5 slot is filled of thragtusks, sigardas, and vorapedes. wolfir silverheart is only good when invisible stalkers on board or you attach it to sigarda. as for disiple, its just bad, its only good in grixis control (possibly the worst deck in set because aggro is HUUUUGE!)
January 14, 2013 7:30 p.m.
The Doctor says... #13
Honestly, I think Evil Twin is the most underrated card.
kriskurse says... #2
All but the Disciple of Bolas i see regular SCG play and Local play. So I dont see these cards as too underrated.. I do agree though. They are great cards that can help swing the Game a little.
January 9, 2013 11:39 a.m.