My love for Mono Black
Standard forum
Posted on April 21, 2014, 8:54 a.m. by Azuleblood
This is a small article about Mono Black and its state in standard and what JOU will provide. I'm very excited for Master of the Feast and Brain Maggot even Worst Fears looks awesome even though it will probably never see play outside of Commander/EDH. However Mono B devotion will probably die after rotation due to the loss of Nightveil Specter , Pack Rat and Underworld Connections etc. but I do feel Mono B Aggro has a place in Standard with Thoughtseize , Pain Seer , Brain Maggot , Master of the Feast and Herald of Torment , Mono B has access to Hand Disruption, Lots of kill spells and Big beaters. Also it will be fairly budget friendly except the Thoughtseize s and after Mutavault s rotate. Looking forward to what M15 will bring! :) Would like to hear your opinions on Mono Black...
Magiclover318 says... #3
I think mono black is gonna get stronger with waste not. It's a very versatile card, and may even see modern play for modern discard.
April 21, 2014 9:47 a.m.
Azuleblood says... #4
Hopefully M15 brings a Discard Liliana to go with waste not! :D
April 21, 2014 10:05 a.m.
Magiclover318 says... #5
If they do, she won't be anywhere near as powerful as liliana of the veil, but perhaps liliana vess, she is pretty good, while not being format controlling.
April 21, 2014 10:11 a.m.
nashbridges52 says... #6
I love mono black as well, and with all the fun cards in Journey I managed to put together a MB list that still seems very playable but is more of a beatdown deck than anything. Let me know what you think: MBD (Mono Black Demons)
Beyond the shameless plug, I think that Waste Not (one of the few spoils we've seen for m15 so far) will be really fun to build around. I can see something with 4Waste Not and 10+ discard spells being really fun and really effective
April 21, 2014 10:16 a.m.
Magiclover318 says... #7
Yeah, it's amazing, but keep in mind that Duress was M14 so that won't be here, unless they reprint it, not unlikely, but I would like to see something else.
There aren't many discard spells, just Thoughtseize when M15 gets here.
While Thoughtseize is amazing, it's not enough to run Waste Not.
April 21, 2014 10:22 a.m.
April 21, 2014 10:45 a.m.
Azuleblood says... #9
I'm sure they won't print Waste Not without printing other discard mechanics I like the idea of Whispering Madness on a Deathcult Rogue with Waste Not on the field for a casual Dimir Discard deck! :P
April 21, 2014 11:01 a.m.
What sucks about that, though, is that any mana generated by Waste Not must be used in the Combat Step, so you'll need a worthwhile instant to play.
meecht says... #2
I like how strong Mono-B aggro is shaping up. Gnarled Scarhide provides another 2 power 1-drop, Brain Maggot is a very solid 2-drop, and Master of the Feast is a beast. The "downside" of MotF can easily be offset by Duress , Thoughtseize , and Lifebane Zombie , all of which you'll probably run, anyway.
April 21, 2014 9:46 a.m.