Naya Concept
Standard forum
Posted on April 7, 2013, 9:29 a.m. by capriom85
I am assuming I am missing something that maybe you can all shed some light on for me with this idea. Naya Tokens: with Parallel Lives , Growing Ranks , and Assemble the Legion all in standard right now, is there really a reason no one has come up with a competitive grow-an-army-every-turn token deck?
The basic idea I have for this would be to stall the board with lots of burn to remve early drops until about turn 5 when you can drop Assemble the Legion and start rushing with hastey soldiers. With Parallel Lives out the legion doubles or triples each turn, so....I like it. Also, imagine a T6 top-decked entrea-the-angels with Parallel Lives on the board...10 angel tokens to bash with.
I kow this would be a rather slow set up, but against aggro we have the burn to keep them away and against control, we aren't really worried about early game creatures so maybe we use up all their counters trying to keep our early game burn away from their life points? We can even farseek to get a T3 Parallel Lives and a T4 Assemble the Legion .
So that's my basic idea...needs lots of work and testing before I can get a deck list together, but please tear it apart with what holes exist and I can try to fill them. Also, if you like the idea or have suggestions for included cards I am all ears. Thanks in advance!
Alright, so it's mostly a tempo thing? My tokens coming out too slow at T4 or T5 leaves me open to too much aggro (which is certainly enough of right now) and the control player, if skilled, won't take the bait to counter the early burn. Makes sense.
April 7, 2013 11:09 a.m.
I was testing a Naya tokens deck this week and it is just awful, despite being well-constructed. The metagame isn't right for it. The best you could do is find a way to make it removal-heavy to survive the rush, because Assemble the Legion is extremely good with Intangible Virtue . RWB Tokens is probably superior to Naya tokens for this reason.
April 7, 2013 12:46 p.m.
beast_friend says... #5
really slow, plus black has a nasty counter for 1/1's. Illness in the Ranks
April 7, 2013 3:17 p.m.
That's true. It's why I sideboard 2x enchantment hate in my American deck that runs assemble
Demarge says... #2
The main reason why one doesn't see this archetype is due to Assemble the Legion being a card that can usually win on it's own without the need for extra enchantments. The slow setup will be really slow and any additional cards to speed it up will likely result in these expensive enchantments being the first threats to hit your table, a decent control player won't care about direct damage spells early on (life isn't worth much until you hit 10, or are being threatened by lethal) so the first token maker after those 4 cmc enchantments will likely get hit. Against aggro you'll be pressured to survive their onslaught as it'll still take a few turns for your legions to assemble a lethal threat, remember blitz can just go emissary into boar on top of the experiment and swing for 3 on turn 2 followed by at least 8 turn 3. at best you can burn a bit of that, but then you're slowing the enchantments further.
April 7, 2013 10:39 a.m.