Need advice on... stuff.

Standard forum

Posted on Dec. 14, 2012, 7:41 p.m. by MagicalHacker

So I have built many, many "rogue" decks for standard, and of those I started testing to see which were the most competitive and then started building the three that I felt were the most fun and the most competitive: Draw Me Like One Of Your French Girls (B Blood Artist combo deck), Stop, Drop, And Roll (R creature aggro), and To Err Is Human... (W white-weenie)

But recently, I got really bored with my decks. :/ I haven't been playing them for a relatively long time, it's just that they got boring very quickly. When I built all those decks, I believed that every color and every strategy is equally "cool". I still have no preferences in color, but more and more, I discovered that I am a Johnny player and that pure Aggro and pure Control decks are not fun for me to play. :( So now, with those decks near completion, I want to start anew with different decks; decks based around combos, yet still competitive worthy. I have taken a fancy to Omniscience , a keyrune combo strategy, and to combos that win with infinite mana (Axebane Guardian + Galvanic Alchemist ; Gilded Lotus + Zealous Conscripts + Deadeye Navigator ) Any suggestions on ideas for those? Or other combo ideas? Or reasons why one or more of those aren't competitive worthy?

Thanks guys for reading, I know it's a lengthy post. :)

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