Need your opinions!
Standard forum
Posted on March 26, 2013, 12:03 p.m. by Takahashiryu
Should I build a Naya Human deck or a Jund Aggro?
I really like these 2 color combinations and was thinking which of them could be funnier (and stronger).Every opinion appreciated!
cartwheelnurd says... #4
the deck runs for one drops, Experiment One and Rakdos Cackler . It follows u with Burning-Tree Emissary into Mogg Flunkies and Flinthoof Boar . The high end is Dreg Mangler and Falkenrath Aristocrat
As for spells, you can use some burn like Searing Spear , or Dreadbore , Ultimate Price , or Abrupt Decay . rounding out the noncreature spells is Ghor-Clan Rampager (ok he can be a spell, but most of the time, no)
Land base is pretty standard 3 colors, you shouldn't have any mana issues with this deck.
Mogg Flunkies can be replaced with Crimson Muckwader if you so desire.
March 26, 2013 8:12 p.m.
I vote Naya Humans. It's probably the fastest deck in the format right now with tons of removal. Turn one Champion of the Parish into two Burning-Tree Emissary and Flinthoof Boar or Searing Spear is just bonkers.
March 26, 2013 11:59 p.m.
The only stipulation for that, sylvannos is that you have a shock land with white to play turn 1. Otherwise Burning-Tree Emissary will have to wait until turn 3.
March 27, 2013 8:07 a.m.
Takahashiryu says... #7
cartwheelnurd is right, Jund is surely more resilient, great removal coming from Black and hasty monsters like Falkenrath Aristocrat and Dreg Mangler .
Naya, on the other hand, allows the crazy 7 damage hit on the second turn, with turn 1 Champion of the Parish (or Boros Elite ), turn 2 Burning-Tree Emissary followed by the free Lightning Mauler . Things get even crazier with the turn 3 Mayor of Avabruck Flip and a Giant Growth on one of the attackers...
Jund has more answers to possible threats and Naya is all about fast threats...
Both are great and I'm a real fan of aggro decks... It's like having to choose which son lives... I wish I could have them both...
March 27, 2013 9:35 a.m.
@acbooster: Not hard when the deck runs four Temple Garden and four Sacred Foundry . You'd probably mulligan if you didn't have a turn one play with either land.
cartwheelnurd says... #2
naya humans is the best aggro proabaly. it is really explosive and fast. Jund aggro is good too and its harder to lose if the opponent drops a Supreme Verdict . D you want incredible speed or slightly more resilience but still a ton of power?
March 26, 2013 12:51 p.m.