New Control Toys?
Standard forum
Posted on June 30, 2015, 10 p.m. by TheGrayMerchant
I feel like some cards in Origins could be valuable in control decks and could become staples. Jace's Sanctum, Talent of the Telepath, and Sphinx's Tutelage have the most potential to become must have staples. Thoughts?
ducttapedeckbox says... #3
I play UR Counterburn, so my comments will draw from my (very limited) experience with that deck.
Jace's Sanctum doesn't do much. You don't want to drop it until T5-6 so that you can leave countermagic open, and by then you don't need it. Maybe at 3 CMC this would make an impact.
Talent of the Telepath is ok, sorcery speed hurts it and it's not usually good to rely on what you reveal from your opponent's library.
Sphinx's Tutelage will probably see use in rogue brews and have to be built around. Not that great (as mill generally isn't).
Languish excites me the most, and makes me want to splash black in m UR deck because my meta is very heavy with Thunderbreaks and Stormbreaths.
Student of the Rings is interesting, but I wouldn't play it over Keranos.
June 30, 2015 10:55 p.m.
Languish and Clash of Wills are really the only cards guaranteed to see competitive play so far - in a control shell at least.
Student of the Rings is cute...Spell Pierce is nice but all other abilities are not great. Now if only it could blink like AEtherling... People will try it in conjunction with Dragonlord Ojutai for the untapping, but that isn't great either (though at least it doesn't have to tap for its ability, so haste doesn't change anything).
July 1, 2015 12:08 a.m.
wakawakawaka says... #5
green based control looks great.
jace's sanctum is a four drop that's a dead card the turn it enters a battlefield in other words its not playable in standard or modern.
sphinx's tutelage has the potential to be a decent finisher but honestly I'm not a fan as it fuels your opponents treasure cruise n spell mastery n shit.
talent of the telepath is reasonably strong vs midrange but its a sorcery in the 4 drop slot. I'd much rather run languish.
Mizzium Meddler, Languish and Nissa, Vastwood Seer Flip are the most notable control cards spoiled thus far in origins in my opinion. Nissa's an insane finisher in control and mizzium meddler can deal with a lot of nasty stuff while tanking a few blocks. Languish = gg dragons
July 1, 2015 1:57 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #6
Talent of the Telepath and Sphinx's Tutelage will probably be staples in my control list. Just sayin'.
July 1, 2015 7:49 a.m.
The only card for control for now is Languish. I anticipate a hot common like Anticipate to fill in the ranks of control, but other than that, we have seen everything.
July 1, 2015 8:03 a.m.
GoldGhost012, why would you ever play either of those cards. Mill is absolute garbage so I don't know why you would play Sphinx's Tutelage. It seems decent in a mirror match, but against everything else it's unnecessary. If you just want a way to loot, Monastery Siege is about a million times better. Talent of the Telepath is also really bad. It completely relies on your opponents library to be in the order that's useful to you. Against devotion decks, you have a good chance of whiffing. Against abzan decks you will often hit a removal spell, which is only useful sometimes, but then I'd just rather have a removal spell that will only cost my two or three mana, not four and they're also instants. Against control, there's a good chance you'll hit a removal spell or counters which both are dead. Yes, hitting dig is great, but even then I'd rather just have my on dig which can cost less than four and isn't an instant.
July 1, 2015 9:44 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #9
Here's why Chubbub. Standard mill control is cheap and fun, and also because this needs a legacy. Sphinx's Tutelage is gas as a successor of Codex Shredder and as a mill wincon. Talent of the Telepath probably isn't good as a 4x no, but as a mill 7 and most likely cast something it's useful.
I don't care if it's not viable. I care about having fun, making my opponents frustrated, and winning a handful of games.
July 1, 2015 11:17 a.m.
Oh ok that makes sense. That codex shredder deck looks sweet. Did you see the lantern of insight deck that made top 16 of a gp a week or two ago? I have a feeling you'd like it.
July 1, 2015 11:38 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #11
I do like it, very much. It's quite different from the ones that I've made here, and I'll need to test the differences to see the comparisons .
July 1, 2015 12:04 p.m.
wakawakawaka says... #12
I've owned a list very similar to the one that entered the gp for about 3 years, there's been a thread up about top control on mtgsalvation since the dawn of time.
JWiley129 says... #2
I don't think any of those cards will become staples. All are too much mana for too little impact. Control is getting Languish and Student of the Rings (I'm not sold on this one), but those cards don't really do enough in my opinion.
June 30, 2015 10:11 p.m.