New Mill deck for standard

Standard forum

Posted on Jan. 30, 2013, 5:09 p.m. by harrydemon117

Ok, so during my pre-release I was lucky to pack 4 x card:Sage's Row Denizen and it got me brainstorming...

I'm thinking of a deck utilizing card:Sage's Row Denizen and other "blue mill creatures" along with Undead Alchemist to clutter the board and overwhelm for the win.

This can be set up as a mill strategy OR a "combo" strategy meaning you kill off the undead alchemist when you're ready to alpha strike.

The way I'm visioning this is it will keep up with aggro based decks using high toughness blue creatures (or Fog Bank style creatures) for early defense and eventually take over with my creatures.

Vs. decks that use Supreme Verdict , I am working on a way to keep my things on the field. Maybe somethng like Esper colors and Rootborn Defenses in the sideboard

Epochalyptik says... #2

Moved to Standard.

What are you going to do against tempo decks? They'll just bowl over you with fatties.

January 30, 2013 5:16 p.m.

poopascoopa says... #3

I'm trying to come up with an effective milling deck, too. My problem is the more creatures for blocking, the less actual milling cards are in the deck. I'm trying to utilize cards like Invisible Stalker and Jace, Memory Adept , which works great in conjunction with Duskmantle Guildmage . Talrand, Sky Summoner is thrown in there for all the tokens you can get from cipher spells. Mind Sculpt is wonderful because it's 2 mana for seven cards. If you have A Duskmantle out, you can tap 5 mana for 7 damage. The main problem is decks that move fast and aggro decks. I've been considering splashing green for mana ramping but it might be easier to add some Chromatic Lantern and Gilded Lotus cards. As far as aggro decks...I have no idea. None. So if you get an idea, I'll definitely upvote it.

January 30, 2013 6:50 p.m.

twiggles says... #4

I feel like card:Sage's Row Denizen is weaker than some of the other things Gatecrash gave us. If you were to swap it with Undercity Informer , you could easily get a harsh combo with Undead Alchemist 's second ability - easily deck them out and have blockers almost constantly. Throw in the typical Esper token cards like Lingering Souls or Midnight Haunting , and I think you've got something. This would also allow for control cards like Feeling of Dread for aggro match ups. The only possible counter I can think of to Supreme Verdict for this type of deck is Blood Artist (which fortunately fits the theme) ... Still, I think I'm straying from your interests.

Blind Obedience stalls if only for a bit. Poopascoopa has a great idea with Talrand, Sky Summoner if you want to keep card:Sage's Row Denizen. It's an interesting card to build around, and if you're looking for creatures that'll mill, there's Shriekgeist and Crosstown Courier .

January 31, 2013 12:07 a.m.

harrydemon117 says... #5

Sticking with the blue creature theme, you can run Fog Bank , Hover Barrier , and Kraken Hatchling for early defense.

Once these are established, card:Sage's Row Denizen and Undead Alchemist can take over on their own. I'm also thinking of using Stern Mentor and maybe card:Jace's Phantasm as supplements to this.

Deadeye Navigator would add some late game reach as well as card:Geralf's Mindcrusher

As far as support cards, well therein lies my conundrum. Do I go Dimir, Esper, BUG?

My reasonsings for this are as follows:

Esper gives us Azorius Charm which is what we want vs aggro since we're milling them anyway. This also gives us Rootborn Defenses vs board wipers, and even allows us to run Supreme Verdict of our own if we so wish. card:Sphinx's Revelation, etc...blah blah blah

Dimir and Esper both give us the ability to run Nephalia Drownyard which is a plus so I think that's an auto include. Not to mention Paranoid Delusions would be good as well.

BUG gives us Elusive Krasis to pair with Paranoid Delusions , Trepanation Blade nicely. Golgari Charm has great utility as well

Let's also not forget Axebane Guardian if we decide to use defenders with this matchup and use it's "ramp" for eiter Jace, Memory Adept or Increasing Confusion

Oh, I almost forgot with Esper or Dimir you can run Diregraf Captain vs board wipers.

February 1, 2013 3:10 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #6

Blustersquall gives us early creature control and late game "tap opponent's field so I can go in for the win"

February 1, 2013 3:12 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #7

Unsummon works too AND allows us to bounce Undead Alchemist for whatever reason (to "counter" removal or so that we can kill our opponent with an "alpha strike")

February 1, 2013 3:25 p.m.

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