New player, looking for something budget and FNM competitive.
Standard forum
Posted on March 13, 2013, 3:05 p.m. by fiestaforesta
Hey all,
I'm new at the game and want to start playing FNM's but I don't know where to begin. My main deck that I play casually is a Dimir deck that uses milling/ciphering to win. I've been told this kind of deck doesn't do well in competitive play.
Are there any decks that are competitive and relatively inexpensive? The one's I've seen are 200$+ Anything sub 100$ would be great but I understand that might be unrealistic.
10vernothin says... #3
red deck wins lol
no shocklands, the most you need are hellriders (about 12 bucks each), ash zealots (about 2-4 bucks each), stromkirk nobles (4 bucks each), vexing devil (8 dollar each)and if you're REALLY rich, thundermaw hellkite (25-30 dollar each) rest are commons and uncommons.
which means you can easily afford it at about 100 dollars
March 13, 2013 3:20 p.m.
You could also do Gruul aggro, with all their great uncommons: Flinthoof Boar, Burning-Tree Emissary, Ghor-Clan Rampager, Experiment One... most expensive cards would be Stomping Ground, maybe Stromkirk Noble, Rancor, Hellrider, Ash Zealot. It's basically Gruul deck wins
gufymike says... #2
The boros event deck is about 35 dollars and should be able to be bought at your local store is a great starting point and can compete right out of the box: (example listing), improving upon it is going to be a bit on the costly side past this, ignoring lands, you want to get more Champion of the Parish and Silverblade Paladin, possibly Lightning Mauler, Really where you go with it is upto you, but should be fun the first night and as you move forward with it.
March 13, 2013 3:20 p.m.