New to standard

Standard forum

Posted on April 30, 2014, 1:32 p.m. by Fairseas

I am looking to build a sollid standard deck, but I have only played edh since I have started about a year ago. I have played some 60 card constructed though/ I want to get into standard so I can hit up prereleases and enjoy the MTG community as a whole not just my play group.

Any ideas where to start?

I don't want to do Mono Black Devotion because of all the Gray Merchant of Asphodel decks floating around.

JTetris11 says... #2

I love that you do NOT want to play MBD because of Gary, most people want TO play MBD because of him.

Gees in standard right now there are tons of great decks to play with, but here are some of the more popular archetypes:

U/W/x Control (Esper primarily)

MBD (Mono-Black Devotion)

MUD (Mono-Blue Devotion)

White Weenie Aggro

Jund Monsters

R/W Burn

RDW (Red Deck Wins)

MRD (Mono-Red Devotion)

B/R Aggro (Rakdos Aggro)

B/R Control (Rakdos Control)

R/G Aggro

R/G Monsters

Naya Midrange

G/W Aggro

G/W Tokens

Mono-Black Aggro

and the new comer to the group I think is going to be a

B/G/W Midrange (Junk Midrange)

W/B Humans (Orzhov Midrange/Aggro)

These are all popular archetypes that have seen play but quite frankly with so many new things that have been released and introduced in Standard the meta I'm sure will change dramatically soon, so be creative! Some of the best decks come from people just making a deck around a certain favorite card of theirs that they want to, because they can and it's magic and it is supposed to be fun! Then these decks really aren't something that other players prepare for, and they don't know how to play against it and they can sometimes do fairly well. Other times, rogue decks are rogue for a reason and they do terrible against the "powerhouse" decks. but who cares? It is supposed to be fun and enjoyable playing whatever style you want to play.

As an example, I personally do not like playing Green or Black. I just don't like the colors and how they work in Magic: the Gathering. So I play decks that have either Red, White, or Blue in them. Currently I am playing a variation of White Weenie Aggro but splashing for some red cards and some blue cards. I LOVE playing with it cause it is just totally my personality. Some of my friends have told me to drop the blue and red for just a mono-White aggro list, but I don't want to because I get to play with Lyev Skyknight and Firemane Avenger this way. Its my choice cause its my deck and I love playing with it. (On the plus side I beat them alot so its ok). The point is enjoy building what you want to build cause in the end you are the one playing with it. Hope some of those archetypes helped.

April 30, 2014 1:50 p.m.

Fairseas says... #3

Aweswome thank you for the long and detailed response. I am going to look into some of the thematic builds you described. I also didn't wanna play MBD because I like to try to make original ideas as I am not huge on net decking. I will have to a little bit to get the hang of the standard format, but I look forward to getting something good going.

April 30, 2014 1:54 p.m.

trentfaris242 says... #4

@JTetris11 You forgot Mono Green Aggro.

April 30, 2014 1:55 p.m.

aFriendlyAlly says... #5

Any budget restrictions?

April 30, 2014 3:09 p.m.

Fairseas says... #6

nope I got dem bills

April 30, 2014 3:13 p.m.

Fairseas says... #7


April 30, 2014 3:13 p.m.

Fairseas says... #8

but really I am poor. I just have a vast variety of standard cards

April 30, 2014 3:14 p.m.

harrydemon117 says... #9

If you have a sizable collection, you should give BUG midrange a shot. It's actually been really good vs a lot of the meta as you access to some of the best removal, counters, draw, creatures, planeswalkers, and sideboard cards

Here's mine for some reference:

Does it BUG you when I scry? Playtest

Standard harrydemon117


April 30, 2014 4:31 p.m.

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