One Last Standard Deck (Help/Suggestions)
Standard forum
Posted on Feb. 26, 2014, 8 a.m. by Valentine35
I have room for one more deck, and i would like it to be standard legal. I have a few standard decks at all times that i toy around with.
As of right now i have a mono-blue
, mono-black
The Dearly Devoted Playtest
SCORE: 4 | 5 COMMENTS | 1324 VIEWS, Aggro Rakdos
The Skills, to Pay da Bills Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 2 VIEWS, and G/W Hexproof Enchantments
Rains of Castamere Playtest
I took apart my Boros aggro deck so im not really looking to make another one. Anyone have any ideas? i was thinking Simic, but not sure what kind and I am very unskilled in making a Simic deck. So if anyone has any ideas of a type of deck they like to use let me know. I'm not asking to copy a deck, just somewhere to get started. I want something fun. Thanks...
Dalektable says... #3
I second Bant control. But if you're looking for simic this is a fun build you could look off of
Don't Blink Playtest
SCORE: 2 | 4 COMMENTS | 320 VIEWSIt utilizes elements of the Simic Flash deck running around as well as a combo of Master of Waves and Master Biomancer . Another deck i think is strong and would like to see built is Azorius weenies using some control elements like Detention Sphere for removal and leading into devotion for Ephara, God of the Polis and to top the curve Archangel of Thune . Earlier drops being stuff like the highly underappreciated Daxos of Meletis along with Precinct Captain .
February 26, 2014 9:36 a.m.
Valentine35 says... #4
Thanks for the help. i thought about Bant control for awhile, but i am too impatient to play a control deck. I also agree that Daxos of Meletis is underappreciated, i use him in an Zur EDH deck and he is awesome. But instead of going the usual way around Simic, with evolving and stuff i chose to go a different route and add Black, because...well because i always play black lol. So here is what i came up with, please any adice on it would be awesome. I also don't have all of the cards, so if anyone has any Deathrite Shaman s, or Kiora, the Crashing Wave that'd be awesome.
Tap Dancing Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 4 VIEWSFebruary 26, 2014 6:37 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #5
I think there are 3 playable archetypes for Simic.
One is based off the MUD shell, but splashes Green for Master Biomancer
, Simic Charm
, Frilled Oculus
, and sideboard options like Mistcutter Hydra
. Example: But if you're looking for something completely different from what you've already played, this probably isn't it.
The Simic Flash deck that Dalektable referred to is also very good. Although the creatures are underwhelming, being able to always have mana open for counterspells and bounces is deadly in the right hands. Here's a more mainstream example of that deck: I ran a Bant version of the deck right after Theros came out and revisited it for a couple tweaks after BotG: Hanratty's Favorite Superhero. White gives you access to Advent of the Wurm , Selesnya Charm , Azorius Charm , and some hard removal thanks to Detention Sphere . Unlike when I played the deck in tournaments, you have access to all the Scry lands now.
Finally, my personal favorite of the Simic decks is similar to Green Devotion or GR Monsters, but with Blue instead of Red. In lieu of Red's explosiveness, you get access to Blue's draw power (ex. Prime Speaker Zegana , Jace, Architect of Thought , and Divination ), counterspells, and an awesome win con for a ramping deck: Cyclonic Rift . Here's an example: I have played this deck for a few months now and it's a blast: My Prophet, Your Loss (Top 4 FNM)
SharuumNyan says... #2
You don't have a control deck yet. How about Bant Control? It'll make a change from UW and Esper control, and it has Simic colors in it.
February 26, 2014 8:11 a.m.