One, Two, Three Color decks after Theros release.

Standard forum

Posted on Aug. 21, 2013, 2:13 p.m. by WovenNebula

Will Jund, Junk and many others find themselves outed in standard? Will mono decks "rule" FNM? Or will dual colored decks still find a home with enough support from the Theros block? Will three colored decks just fade away in standard, no longer to be seen as "competitive"? My belief is that dual colors will still be very competitive, though it'd be exciting to see mono colored decks take the reigns once more as they did so long ago. This is just speculation, of course, of what few things we have seen for the future to come. I would like to know everyone's thoughts on this and what is to come. Maybe humans will rule as "demi-gods", maybe monsters will take hold in green decks, resulting in "monstrosities" (pun intended? Will black bring forth the rage from Hades and Cerberus will enforce it? I would love to see that. Don't be afraid that the Greek gods will not bless you if you question their existence in this quest , think only as if this quest will bring you closer to these gods, and you in the end may bring your deck after Theros's release and wreak havoc upon others, so I implore you to write below.

ifired says... #2

One thing is for sure, Swagtusk is defeated

August 21, 2013 2:28 p.m.

WovenNebula says... #3

I am glad he will be moving on. Leaves for more variety at least I hope that is.

August 21, 2013 2:31 p.m.

WovenNebula says... #4

I hope they make Cerberus so I can ride him like a "My little Pony" through rainbows of burning corpses. If only. Lolol

August 21, 2013 2:33 p.m.

Darkness1835 says... #5

Right now, multicolored decks dominate, and I believe that was what WotC had intended when releasing Return to Ravnica. But now that a new core set and a new block set are going to be hitting the scene, Wizards probably will be changing it up. Mono and dual colored decks are going to be gain more power, whereas multicolored staples will be fading out. They're going to try to bring balance into which decks can be successful. We wont really know until we start to see what Theros has.

August 21, 2013 2:43 p.m.

MindAblaze says... #6

Dual colored decks will always be a force. It's fairly reasonable to expect with a playset of shocks, some utility lands and a bunch of basics you can play 2 colors. Expect the heavier color weighted stuff to fall off a bit. Casting Obzedat, Zegana or Trostani gets a little more complicated.

That being said, I'm sure they'll give us some playable dual lands come Sept 27th...

August 21, 2013 3:04 p.m.

Schuesseled says... #7

2 and 3 colour decks will still be a thing.

August 21, 2013 3:09 p.m.

Izanagi_Deus says... #8

I think it's quite likely 2-color decks will be kind of at the forefront, but depending on what Theros' dual lands look like, 3-color may still be possible, at least with the 3rd color perhaps just being a splash.

August 21, 2013 3:32 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #9

M14 is the first core set since 4E to not have any multi-color lands. I'm sure this isn't some horrible mistake and that they plan on making multi-color decks less of a thing. 2 Color isn't really that hard to pull off even with basic lands so I don't see it going anywhere but 3+ color decks are going to suffer from a lot of mana screw IMO and will therefore fall off. On the topic of nonbasic lands I have a friend who hopes more than anything that Magus of the Moon is the futuresight reprint that they confirmed.

August 21, 2013 4:46 p.m.

This thread is pointless until we see what duals are in Theros...

Otherwise, even if there are good duals in Theros, we might see a shift to 2 instead of 3 color control and midrange decks, thanks to Burning Earth (think UW or UB control instead of Esper). This has already begun to happen in the current standard.

August 22, 2013 5:16 a.m.

harrydemon117 says... #11

If we go by history, then monored will for sure take over at the start as these are the most consistent after a rotation (one color, spawn dudes, smash face, rinse and repeat). Once the dust settles and people figure out manabases etc, then we will see more multicolored decks resurface.

They have already mentioned dual lands (or mana fixers) in Theros, PLUS there are still things like Chromatic Lantern and Prophetic Prism for mana fixing now.

I think Verdant Haven will see some play for a short time for the "ramp" decks

August 23, 2013 4:18 p.m.

This discussion has been closed