Post Game Day discussion!
Standard forum
Posted on Aug. 9, 2015, 12:18 a.m. by Wabbbit
I feel like the day after Game Day is going to see tons of threads pop up about peoples experiences and thoughts on the tournament. So instead, just post it all here! I went 3-1 playing Mono-Red, and ended up making final four, three of which were Mono-Red. I actually played a guy that I beat 2-0 earlier in the mirror match, but he was able to pull through and beat me 2-1, and he ended up winning the whole thing, beating (surprise surprise) another RDW deck. Still, promo Languish, $20 store credit, and five rounds of magic for $5 isn't to shabby. I can't complain, although the playmat would have been nice. What are all of your Game Day experiences? If your Game Day is tomorrow, feel free to come back and post on this thread!
noobplayer17 says... #3
Played Abzan midrange and made Made Top 8 with only a surprising loss to G/B elves 1/0/2. One time I was flooded, though the last game he legitimately beat me. Beat goblins 2/0/0, Abzan control 2/0/0, mono black 2/0/0, and Bant heroic 2/0/0. Lost 1/0/2 to that same Abzan control in the top 8.
Deck felt really good.
August 9, 2015 5:27 a.m.
played zombie burn and lost two rounds to only running two firecrafts. hella fun though. i wanted the pretty languish and i got it lol.
August 9, 2015 9 a.m.
Played Mardu Dragons : Game Day Origins, a deck I had custom tooled to pick on the overwhelming amount of aggressive decks that had been frequenting our LGS, managed to go 3-0-1 beating Mono Red tremors, G/B Elves, Jeskai Dragons and ID'ing into 1st position for the end of Swiss but lost the first round of the cut to, of course, Mono Red <.<
Oh, how I loathe thee (Even though I play it 90% of the time)
August 9, 2015 10:17 a.m.
SpartanCEL says... #6
I didn't go(saving up for a goyf hopefully) but I helped my older brother and younger brother tweak/make their decks. My younger brother got 12th out of 15th (he's 12, so he got a kick out of that) with a white weenie deck(I think a stronger late game strategy will work better for him)
My older brother got third with rg dragons splash blue for Sarkhan Unbroken. His deck was pretty sick. Apparently he pulled 2 Stormbreath Dragons off a See the Unwritten with a t-regent and normal atarka for an op win. I incorrectly told him to not sb Dragonlord Atarka (I thought it wasn't nessessary, oops) His last match was UG control splash green. The guy recommended her because apparently she's good against control.
All in all great! The Languish is pretty sick, hopefully I can get it off him >:D
August 9, 2015 10:21 a.m.
Went to Channel Fireball Game Center and went 4-2, good enough for 9th place. I was so close to getting the Languish promo, but I still had a great time running A Trek Through the Woods (9th Gameday at CFB). Chord of Calling is op in this meta :)
August 9, 2015 5:01 p.m.
TheGreatLiar says... #8
Top 8 with a grixis control deck. Got close to the playmat, but got run over by rdw when he sideboarded in enchantments that i didn't see coming.
August 10, 2015 7:46 p.m.
Gorgosaurusrex says... #9
I went 3-2 with Jeskai Tokens:
Jeskai Deck Wins Playtest
SCORE: 69 | 22 COMMENTS | 70471 VIEWS
I made a last minute sideboard change from Anger of the Gods to End Hostilities, then I get paired against two Abzan Megamorph players D:
It was a very fun event though. I got 13th or something so obviously I didn't make top 8. Lots of people were running mainboard enchantment hate to deal with Ensoul Artifact so Jeskai Ascendancy wasn't as good as I'd hoped.
August 11, 2015 11:24 a.m.
ADeadlyLoris says... #10
7th place playing Convoke bots/Soul control.
Beats to the face with 7/9 Ornithopters all day. Almost lost my last game to an izzet tutelage deck. Orbs of Warding saved my butt.
Worst match of the day was a mono-red abbot deck. Got run over 2-0.
Errast says... #2
My gameday event was probably the most fun tournament I had been to. I was playing mono-blue devotion, and while it wasn't finished (and without sideboard), I still had a lot of fun. I ended up playing a lot of Cloudform onto Cloudform. There were games where I would topdeck four Frost Walker's in a row, and just play one every turn. One game had me fighting a RDW, where I had all 4 Harbinger of the Tides in both my opening hand's, and 3 Islands. A lot of Harbinger's died that day, for the greater good. Sad Trumpet
Otherwise, my gameday was a fun and relaxed event, and while I didn't make Top 8, my brother did, and I ended up getting the Languish, while he got a Nissa, Vastwood Seer Flip, and Collected Company.
August 9, 2015 12:46 a.m.