Post rotation Eldrazi reanimatior: Will it work?
Standard forum
Posted on Aug. 31, 2015, 1:06 p.m. by brocklun
By now I am sure that you have seen the new Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger. As such I am just wondering would it be possible to build a post rotation deck that revolves around putting big things (like the Eldrazi) into the graveyard and then cheating them back in?
TheNinjaJesus says... #3
There's a fair bit of reanimate cards still in Standard that can do what you want-Necromantic Summons, Fearsome Awakening, Ghastly Conscription (though that one's worse, it's more of a wincon you build around)... but even with just those two, you're right on curve- they're 5 mana (which is about what reanimator costs), they're sorcery, one even targets ANY graveyard... Whip is repeatable and a really good resource to lose, but yes, I'd say you can rock the legendary Eldrazi in your grave.
August 31, 2015 1:24 p.m.
Well, you're losing the best reanimation card in Whip of Erebos. You'll have to wait and see if we get a decent one. My guess will be no, since this Standard had both Abzan and Sultai Whip decks.
Servo_Token says... #2
We don't know yet. Wait for the rest of the set to be spoiled.
August 31, 2015 1:08 p.m.