Powerhouses in the upcoming format.
Standard forum
Posted on April 25, 2013, 12:06 p.m. by vila_a23
I've been building around a few decks for the upcoming standard format and i believe I have found two lists that will be top contenders. the first is the old man of the format, jund but featuring Sire of Insanity and other updates, nd the second is a new list. Grixis control featuring Master of Cruelties . I have tested against all the bad boys of the current format including naya blitz and junk reanimator, as well as some other decks my playgroup has thought would be powerful moving forward (dark naya, naya midrange, uwr flash, uwr control, junk tokens, bwr midrange, 4 color reanimator, gw aggro, and gw midrange). the grixis and jund lists posted thebest results against the over all field. Jund has its usual matchups as being the best midrange deck, but having an iffy matchup against control. sire of insanity makes the control matchup amazing. the grixis deck was good againast everything not aggro. Here are the lists for your reference master control, jund of insanity. take a look at them, tell me what you think, and just have some discussion about the upcoming format!
I want to see where the Blood Baron and Obzedat's Aid go in the post-rotation Standard. Blood Baron because he straight up does not care about the current flash-in blocker (Restoration Angel) or the future flash-in blocker (Advent of the Wurm). And he's also immune to most kill and exile spells. Sure, his life-total based buff ability is win-more, but I think that Proc Black and Proc White will make things happen.
Obzedat's Aid I wan't excited about, but then I realized, any permanent. That means that as long as you can get the Permanent in your graveyard and have Obzedat's Aid in your hand, no permanent will cost more than 5 mana.
April 25, 2013 6:52 p.m.
Obzesat's Aid will be interesting, how likely are we to see Planeswalkers brought back? I feel like in the immediate it wil bring back loads of Liliana of the Veil perhaps? Afterwards who knows I like the possibilities of it
DukeNicky says... #2
Prolly Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch
seems like she could be fun, besides it gives me a chance to say "Chains and whips excite me! haha xD
April 25, 2013 1:05 p.m.