Pyrewild Shaman

Standard forum

Posted on May 5, 2013, 12:39 a.m. by Jay

So Pyrewild Shaman ... He's nothing right now, but I see potential. I think this guy could be a sleeper. Using him with Lotleth Troll comes to mind immediately, but I definitely think people are only looking at his Standard potential. He's like a combat version of Hammer of Bogardan .

Anybody else think he doesn't totally suck? I mean, he's not very good for Standard, but I bet you guys could come up with some sick synergy.

Arachnarchist says... #2

Definitely an awesome card in limited. Sure a 3/1 for 2R is a little over priced. But repeatable bloodrush is awesome.

May 5, 2013 1:16 a.m.

djd2488 says... #3

I just traded one of these and Reap Intellect away for Rakdos's Return so I'm happy.

Just an underwhelming card. His bloodrush cost should be 1 CMC. If they can make friggin' Rubblebelt Maaka a 1 CMC +3/+3 then I think Pyrewild Shaman could be better.

May 5, 2013 1:22 a.m.

foxhull says... #4

The thing is that he comes back, so making it a 1 CMC bloodrush would be too good. I feel that he's perfectly balanced actually, and as a repeatable combat trick with the upside of being a dude that never really dies, I think he's pretty awesome.

May 5, 2013 1:47 a.m.

Rayenous says... #5

Rubblebelt Maaka is essentially turning an over costed creature into a red Giant Growth that can only be used on an attacking creatures. - If I were playing a RG deck, I would not choose this over a Giant Growth (perhaps with something like Domri Rade to gain card advantage...)

However, I would certainly be willing to pay 1G for a Giant Growth if I knew that I could get it back to my hand for 3.

Noting also that Bloodrush is not a spell, so it cannot be countered.

Is Pyrewild Shaman better than Giant Growth ?... well it's for attacking creatures only, so I wouldn't necessarily say yes. But, is it more versatile?... absolutely!

Will he make any top 8 decks..? I'm not an expert, but I'd likely say no. Not that this specific card is bad to play with, but rather that 'combat tricks' are not used in the same way they used to. Restoration Angel and other such tricks that can also leave a player with a better board situation is the common place now. Even Giant Growth isn't commonly seen any more.

Perhaps after the next rotation this may change, but at the moment Bloodrush is good for Limited, but it's use isn't that great in constructed when compared with other options.

May 6, 2013 8:11 a.m.

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