
Standard forum

Posted on Dec. 14, 2013, 4:19 p.m. by Stein_

Why isn't thus style seeing any love. I for one see a handful of interesting says to play this style. First off l, Pack Rat discard ability is awesome, as well as even Lotleth Troll . Then, you move to the Whip of Erebos . Uh duh! You also have a cool card I have been thinking of toying with, rescuse from the underworld. Say you have pack rat and token, sac token, or even rat depends on how late, and bring back something like Ashen Rider , Angel of Serenity . It is doable. I'd like to hear your thoughts on standard reanimate.

ShadowLand says... #2

I've tried it, its very clunky. And you have to do a ramp of sorts to have the mana available, plus if your whip gets tied up or exiled, its hard to keep up, early game is rough. Its just really inconsistent and clunky. About the best way I can describe it.

December 14, 2013 5:04 p.m.

Myogenesis says... #3

Mid-range archetype is shafted pretty hard all around standard, reanimator falling into this category - way too much removal present. You either hyper-aggro to get passed the removal, control and be the one using the removal (Mono black falls into control), or somehow find a janky deck that works somehow (ex/ the Izzet decks popping up).

Signed, reanimator player from last standard (I miss my turn 3-4 Stormtide Leviathan :()

December 14, 2013 5:38 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #4

Whip of Erebos really isn't that great. Giving a creature for a turn pales in comparison to some of the older options such as Necromancy and the rest. Reanimator doesn't have very good tools in the current meta - it's requires many parts, is slow, vulnerable and can only be pulled off in limited quantity (no way to bring back like 5 things a turn). On top of that Deathrite Shaman and Scavenging Ooze are very present in the meta. Rest in Peace is also seen. It makes me laugh when I see people use Whip of Erebos because it's just a bad reanimator card. It's irritating but easily counterable and nothing more than a cute trick. This isn't a good time for reanimator.

December 14, 2013 6:06 p.m.

Stein_ says... #5

Understandable. Sometimes "cute" is underestimated. I had done and yeah it was a little clunky, not too bad actually with ashen rider, cartel aristocrat, whip, merchant, and nykthos yadda yadda, and being able to get that rider forntuen and exile two permanents, was pretty sweet. I'll prolly rock it next season after RTR drops, if I get some more dank.

December 14, 2013 9:40 p.m.

DodgeNDive says... #6

I've actually been playing standard reanimator for a while now and I love it.

Here is my recipe, feel free to pick any pages out of it and build your own May Not Be The Average Reanimator

December 15, 2013 9:18 a.m.

DodgeNDive says... #7

Actually, sorry I forgot you're not supposed to post a deck-list, even though I felt it was appropriate lol

You do only have about 4 cards to choose from in standard to pull off reanimating, namely Whip of Erebos , Rescue from the Underworld , Obzedat's Aid , and Deadbridge Chant .

All demand that you throw mana into it, so naturally ramping is required, and if you don't go ramp-heavy then you would need to join one of the two categories that is mentioned by Myogenesis, so you run lots of 2 and 3 CMC removals so you can reach the number of mana you need and able to stabilise.

The reanimating that the whip does, as pointed out by several others, isn't very solid and it simply is a 'cute trick' in the current meta.

So those are the reasons why it's not seeing much play, there's very little room for it as a lot of decks have solid answers to it.

December 15, 2013 9:27 a.m.

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