Reanimator Colors?

Standard forum

Posted on Sept. 9, 2014, 11:46 a.m. by Aerokid

The reanimator colors for Khans seem to be BUG with all the self mill and the odd whip effect, but I was wondering how viable you guys think Junk might be. I like the more defensive approach with lifegain and control like Suspension Field . Siege Rhino is pretty sick as well. (reminds me of my Junk reanimator in RTR standard).

I think my self mill would have to almost be entirely supplied by Satyr Wayfinder , Commune with the Gods , and Nyx Weaver , with the last being awesome in case I mill a reanimation spell (pff, Unburial what?).


Also, 3 COLOR CLUESTONES CONFIRMED! WOO HOO! (I might skip khans after all..)

bretters says... #2

Kheru Lich Lord is the new sultai reanimator card. and the new sultai khan also puts stuff in the graveyard

September 9, 2014 11:59 a.m.

Aerokid says... #3

I know Sultai is the reanimator clan, but I really don't like whip effects. I want my reanimation targets to stick, and the only thing Sultai really provides is self-mill and some zambies.

September 10, 2014 1:32 p.m.

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