Return card from graveyard to hand?

Standard forum

Posted on April 7, 2015, 2:46 a.m. by Saberxbro

Is there a standard card that allows you to return a non creature spell to your hand? I know there's enchantment returns from theros, and that one Jeskai creature from khans, but is there an instant or sorcery that can do that?

Boza says... #2

Restock? Generally, there is at least one (usually overcosted) card that does that in each Standard season.

April 7, 2015 2:55 a.m.

JWiley129 says... #3

Pull from the Deep is probably the closest you'll get, either that or Monastery Loremaster.

April 7, 2015 2:59 a.m.

branston567 says... #4

there is also Den Protector

April 7, 2015 6:05 a.m.

revwildo says... #5

Tasigur, the Golden Fang can do it if your opponent will co-operate. Or if you use delve, or something similar, to clear out the cards you don't want back.

April 7, 2015 7:27 a.m.

revwildo says... #6

Boza, if you think Restock is overcosted, how about Volcanic Vision?

April 7, 2015 7:31 a.m.

Rayenous says... #7

April 7, 2015 7:37 a.m.

Boza says... #8

@revwildo Volcanic Vision is undercosted, since it is basically Plague Wind, but with a bonus attached and for two less mana.

April 7, 2015 7:44 a.m.

alexthegreat38 says... #9

Warden of the Eye is also a thing in Jeskai colors.

April 7, 2015 8:20 a.m.

Oh, sorry, you mentioned him in the original post. Don't mind me

April 7, 2015 8:20 a.m.

revwildo says... #11

@Boza Seeing as Plague Wind is pretty much a worse version of In Garruk's Wake, a card that sees zero standard play, and that Volcanic Vision requires you to play other outrageously costed spells to use it to it's full effect, I'm having a hard time seeing how the word "undercosted" could be applicable here.

Not that I'm advocating Restock or anything. IMHO they're both bad cards. I could maybe see Volcanic Vision seeing play in some kind of Living Lore deck, but that's only because you would be able to cast it for free with the Living Lore and it would be a huge beater beforehand.

Even then, I think In Garruk's Wake would be a better choice there because it wouldn't rely on having another high cmc card in the yard to work.

Which reminds me, Living Lore is another option you can look at to get instants and sorceries back.

April 7, 2015 8:29 a.m.

Boza says... #12

revwildo, delve is still a part of Standard.

Getting high CMC cards in the grave is ezpz with it. Volcanic vision is one of the most underrated cards in the set, its potential is entirely unexplored. Killing Silumgar, the Drifting Death, while getting back Dig Through Time is value to me. i can see some kind of grixis control using the card, it is not mind-blowing, but there is potential.

April 7, 2015 8:58 a.m.

revwildo says... #13


Fair enough regarding delve, and I guess to a lesser extent convoke, inflating the average cmc in the current standard meta.

I can think of some cheaper ways to get rid of Silumgar 1.0, but I see your point.

If you decide to brew with Volcanic Vision you may want to give my Living Lore idea a try. I was thinking either Izzet, Dimir, or most likely Grixis with the aforementioned sweepers, Murderous Cut, Dead Drop, Dig Through Time, and/or Treasure Cruise. Dark Deal, Tormenting Voice, and Enhanced Awareness can help to get what you want in the yard. Palace Siege or Unmake the Graves would allow you to recur your Living Lore. Riddle of Lightning and Interpret the Signs would fit the theme as well. You may even get a Temporal Trespass or two in there.

Just a thought. Good luck if you try it.

April 7, 2015 11:45 a.m.

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