Sapphire Drake and Crowned Ceratok

Standard forum

Posted on Jan. 22, 2013, 2:07 p.m. by Fleetfiend


Do you think they are worth using in Evolve decks?

I'm definitely thinking the Ceratok is pretty awesome, but do you think the drake is worth the steep mana cost?

Rhadamanthus says... #2

I think the Drake has to cost that much because he's a lot like a Deepchannel Mentor for an evolve deck. Sometimes you're just going to be able to play him and win with a bunch of unblocked creatures.

January 22, 2013 2:28 p.m.

Fleetfiend says... #3

I mean, I think he's a very solid card, if you think of it as 4 CMC for a 4/4 flyer and then another 2 CMC to give most of your other creatures flying as well.

Still dunno if he's worth tying up all the mana for, though. Will probably see some sealed play.

January 22, 2013 2:31 p.m.

Rayenous says... #4

In an Evolving Ramp deck, using Gyre Sage , I can see either of these as being relatively easy to cast, and quite game changing in many decks... could see some sideboard play, at very least.

January 22, 2013 3:02 p.m.

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