SCG Cincy Open Meta Predictions
Standard forum
Posted on May 1, 2014, 8:22 p.m. by Enlightened_Jedi
Just wanted to share some idea's and thoughts with other players. I am a fan of strategy and philosophical meta talks, so feel free to pitch in.
I'll just get right to it. Everyone is probably wondering what decks will be heavily played this weekend at the SCG open, and with a new set, nothing is certain, but here are my predictions on what the top decks that will be played are:
-Naya Hexproof
-BW Humans/Midrange
-Mono Red Aggro
-Mono Black aggro
-white weenie
I think people are going to want to abuse to power of Athreos, God of Passage so I think people should expect to see BW everywhere. E V E R Y W H E R E.
this guy is truly awesome, cool art, cool mana cost, cool effect. He hurts board wipes and punishes your opponent, and partnered with Xathrid Necromancer
can get quite nasty.
Also in his colors its fairly easy to get devotion. So I predict that BW humans will be heavily played
Hopefully the control players, which I expect, will be running Deicide in the 75 somewhere, I'll get back to the control players.
I think the meta is going to be very aggressive this weekend. Too many awesome new cards and creatures. (show some love for to Prophetic Flamespeaker )
Also with Hexproof's newly born 2 drop Bassara Tower Archer and Mana Confluence , and my honest opinion that Naya Hex and GB dredge are positioned well in the meta, it's a given that you will see Hex on camera at least a few times throughout the weekend.
I name mono black aggro mainly out of my naive-ness and the fact I think aggro dudes drool over Master of the Feast , which in that play style, is quite a good card.
Godsend is the whole reason I think white weenie, or white based aggro will be seen having a lot of play. Nothing more to add, the card will I believe shack up standard, but hey who knows this is all speculation
Now back to control, I think we will see alot of control, but not as much as usual.control players picked up quite a few tools:
Temple of Epiphany for the RWU players
Reprisal which i personally think is awesome, the UW doom blade.
and my favorite, Keranos, God of Storms
I predict the meta to go very aggro and aggressive for this weekend, and possibly the next few weeks.Control will still be control and do it's thing.
but one card I think people should watch out for if the meta does go aggro, especially against BW.
this card simply just doesnt care. And I hope RWU finally get's some traction that it deserves in the next few and honestly dredge and RWU is what I will be most likely be playing locally and online. Hey UR control/UR arch-types in general might even get a bump to possible tier 2 deck level.
Thanks for reading and listening to my two cents about the game.feel free to pitch in.
Godsend won't be played.
I doubt Keranos, God of Storms will be played. Very much doubt.
I doubt Prophetic Flamespeaker will see play.
I think Cartel Aristocrat will see play.
I think Athreos, God of Passage will see play.
Those are my predictions.
May 1, 2014 9:46 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #4
I can get behind UWR control spiking in popularity. I've tested some builds of it, and it is in fact the real deal. Sure, it doesn't have access to Thoughtseize , which sucks, but it got sooooooooo many good tools that it is bound to see play. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it showed up in equal numbers to Esper control.
May 1, 2014 10:44 p.m.
Enlightened_Jedi says... #5
Im right there with you ThatBlueMage
I mean Counterflux
is just awesome by itself, one of my favorite standard cards easily.
May 2, 2014 11:14 a.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #6
I personally feel Keranos, God of Storms is the best JOU God after playing with him for a week. Don't think he'll see much play up front though.
There should be a lot of aggro decks this weekend. For that reason I would recommend playing an established midrange deck in tournaments. Banishing Light
will be everywhere so be ready for it.
May 2, 2014 12:35 p.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #7
I certainly forsee Orzhov Humans being a popular deck at FNM, but I doubt we'll see it near the top of the rankings in major tournaments. If it does, we will certainly see American control gain popularity due to Anger.
My prediction is that the same old decks- MUD, MBD, UW, Esper, GR and Jund Monsters, etc.- will be the top dogs in the near future.
InconspicuousPotato says... #2
Godsend will see little to no play in white weenie. It's not in any way the reason white weenie will see play. It's 6 mana to give a Brimaz, King of Oreskos +3/+3 and some blocking power. There are much better things to cast with 3 mana. Athreos, God of Passage is the reason weenie will become popular.
May 1, 2014 8:27 p.m.