Shock Lands for RWU Control
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 3, 2014, 12:42 p.m. by Enlightened_Jedi
I plan on attending my first FNM here in the next week or so. Only problem is I don't have all the necessary shock lands. Mainly 4xHallowed Fountain and 3xSteam Vents . I have one Vents, and the rest are a combination of Guildgates and basic's.
Its also good to note that I do NOT have an elspeth, which is a major win con for the deck.I do however have most of the other weapons for the deck. Jace, Memory Adept Assemble the Legion AEtherling I also have the major control cards, Detention Sphere Supreme Verdict
I just want to know, am I fighting a losing battle? I really have no clue what the meta is at this shop, but I've heard it is mostly aggro with a few rogue decks here and there.
To be honest I just want to have fun, and test the waters as well as my deck. RWU is just a fun color combination, and with the right cards CAN win games.I don't mind losing, or being outplayed, because overall it enhance me as a player, but I do not want to be slaughtered.
So back to the question. Is it stupid or pointless to play a control when I dont even have all the viable lands required?
I plan on doing some trading bc I do have a nice binder that I hope to get some lands and weapons for a few builds I want to make.Any input or just honesty from the community will be greatly appreciated.
I'll post the ACTUAL deck in the comments, for those wanting to look at my setup.
pingpongball120 says... #3
It seems like you have enough weapons to win, but an Elspeth would certainly help a LOT. But you should go, see how you do, and adjust to what the meta gives you
January 3, 2014 12:59 p.m.
Enlightened_Jedi says... #4
True statements. Thanks alot for the wisdom though guys. I think also it's just nerves because this is my first FNM or really any magic outside of Casual.
Also here is my decklist of the actual deck I am using for those interested or intrigued to help me decide how to fine tune the deck.
January 3, 2014 1:05 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #5
It's worth trying it out. Even if you don't win, you'll learn something that will help you improve your game and the deck.
Do note, however, that without the shocks and certain staples cards, your deck will be slower. Slower means more vulnerable in an aggro meta. You may want to change other elements of the design to account for that. Pay close attention to the meta and how it plays against your deck.
Also, make sure you design a flexible sideboard. In a new meta, a good sideboard can save you from losing matchups you weren't expecting.
January 3, 2014 1:18 p.m.
beakedbard says... #6
To be honest looking at that build i think you'd be better off going Azorius control the red things you have in aren't worth making it a 3 colored deck for. Either way you might as well test it out at FNM. The only way you'll find out how effective it is will be by testing it.
January 3, 2014 1:26 p.m.
Enlightened_Jedi says... #7
beakedbard what would you suggest throwing in to make it a Azorius build?
I don't have the revelation's, which really hurts the pure UW build.Plus Assemble the Legion is such a sweet card.
But any input would be awesome.But yeah saturday I plan on going to the sealed tournaments and just playing some casual with the deck before the sealed tournament and then next friday I plan on testing it out completely.
January 3, 2014 2:27 p.m.
Try it out...replace everything you are missing with more budget/easy to get options just so that the way you want the deck to function is still relevant. If you do well, then try to add the right pieces as you go. You will be amazed at the way that your deck evolves as you play. Some of the cards you thought would be key threats and answers don't work out as well as you thought and the "I play this because I don't have what II really want" can become all stars for the right build. Good luck with it and remember....MtG is a GAME...have that fun you were looking for!
ChiefBell says... #2
Never stupid or pointless to play a deck. Go see the local meta and then make adjustments afterwards. It's always better to change things with experience, rather than with speculation. Knowledge through experience is better than all the people on the internet could possibly be in putting forward uninformed opinions and theories.
January 3, 2014 12:52 p.m.