Should I Make Esper Control Or Temur Monsters?

Standard forum

Posted on Dec. 1, 2014, 10:25 a.m. by MTGPlus

Should I Make Esper Control Or Temur Monsters? They are both so good!

Arvail says... #2

Both archetypes have glaring issues. For esper, the core of your 3-drops have UU and BB casting costs. If you stumble on mana, you lose the game immediately. You can get around this by dropping Dissolve, but it's a rather good card. Also, the odd Stain the Mind often leaves you without proper win cons. If your local meta catches onto you, they can easily side this in. Esper really doesn't have too many good win cons outside of Elspeth, Sun's Champion. I have less experience with Temur, but the wedge's inflexibility kills it, imo. They have tremendous value in every creature they play, but their non-creature spells are kinda meh. Crater's Claws is about as good as it gets. Pushing damage through just seems more reliable in Mardu and Abzan.

That being said, if you want to build either archetype, I recommend you take an honest look at yourself. Are you incredibly knowledgeable about the meta and can play patiently? Control's a better fit in that case. Much of control is about reacting and knowing what spells your opponent's plan hinges on. Temur's easier to pilot and you'll likely lose less games to awkward mana.

December 1, 2014 11:19 a.m.

I like temur more. It can be very aggressive and powerful. I like stubborn denial in that deck to keep the tempo going. Against burn and aggro decks, you can side into coursers and nylea's disciples and what not. I'd go temur aggro with a midrange / control sideboard plan

December 1, 2014 1:50 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #4

I agree with Commander. Temur aggro is amazing right now. It has some really great cards available, and if you need to get bigger creatures or life gain for aggro, do it. Or you can grab some burn and bounce in the side. It's a pick your poison deal, but I have to say that it is stronger than Esper control. If you want to go control, go UB. This is coming from the champion of an Azorius control deck. UB is the strongest control deck right now, though, imo.

December 1, 2014 9:21 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #5

Make whatever you think is a better deck. Temur seems to have better matchups against the current giants, and thus has more popularity, so you're basically alone in making Esper Control.

December 1, 2014 10:14 p.m.

acarmelo1 says... #6

I have both decks

Blue/White Control Deck that wins with Elspeth and with the "Sphinx 3/5 discard a card gets hexprof and when he attacks you do scry 3" forgot his name.Deck Finished on 3rd place of FNM(24 players) Last Week (Used by my team mate)

I also have a Temur deckWith the dragon 4/4 with haste and protection from white(I am bad with names) Savage Knuckleblade , Boon Satyr Surrak Dragonclaw etc. This deck finished first on last week FNM (I was using it)

SO both deck in my opinion are good and consistent.

December 3, 2014 10:02 a.m.

It all boils down to what is fun for you to play. Because that's the point of magic first off, to have fun. And as well to strategically plan and build. So if you like playing control, and you're the type of player that likes to RE-act, then Esper or U/B control would be for you, and actually, Mardu Control would probably be better for your style. If you are the type who likes to smash face as hard and as fast as possible, yeah, Temur Aggro or Midrange would be for you. As well as possibly Mardu/Abzan Aggro or Midrange. If you're a finesse player, Jeskai, Abzan or Sultai are going to be more your style to where you have to really think ahead and know all of your future plays as well as the opponent's to stay ahead and finish them off as well as plan your angle of attack accordingly or it could be your demise.

December 3, 2014 10:11 a.m.

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