Sideboarding with U/W Heroic?

Standard forum

Posted on Nov. 30, 2014, 2:19 p.m. by Arorsthrar

What do you guys take out for different match ups from a stock U/W Heroic list (lets say Tom Ross's)? I know what to bring in, but never really what to take out.

Link to deck list if needed:

the_unseen says... #2

i have the same problem playing the Tom Ross deck.. for what's it's worth, here are my SB cards (mostly different than what he uses):
3 Stubborn Denial; 1 Dissolve; 1 Treasure Cruse (never used it; 1 Aqueous Form; 1 Ajani's Presence; 2 Erase; 2 Lagonna Band Trailblazer; 1 Ordeal of Heliod; 2 Banishing Light; 1 End Hostilities

December 2, 2014 11:12 p.m.

jr92_2000 says... #3

@the_unseen I can't see many applications for the Dissolve, Banishing Light or End Hostilities. The counterspells (Stubborn Denial, maybe Negate) are for protecting your threats; those cards seem far too reactive for this deck. Treasure Cruise is great for the post sideboard matches where you expect the game to get grindy: U/B Control, Abzan Midrange, Mardu Midrange.

As for what to take out. You just try to remove the least effective weapons. This is already a streamlined deck, so you don't want to make drastic changes. I put together my general side boarding plan a few weeks ago when I just started playing the deck (here). I'll update it sometime tomorrow if I get a chance.

December 2, 2014 11:37 p.m.

the_unseen says... #4

I use the Banishing Light as another, more powerful version of the Singing Bell Strike

December 2, 2014 11:54 p.m.

djd2488 says... #5

I always take out Defiant Strike. It's great Game 1 but you need the counter magic for the rest of the match. I typically side in 2x Stubborn Denial and 2x Negate in its place because people will be adding as much removal as possible to their main. Stubborn Denial has been so good that I put 1 in the main so I can max out at 3. Negate has also done very well.

I'm quick to take out Eidolon of Countless Battles and Ordeal of Heliod as well. Ordeal is great against hyper-aggro but you don't need it against Abzan or most midrange/control decks. I'll side in my 1 copy of Disdainful Stroke for the Ordeal. Eidolon usually gets replaced by a couple extra auras (Singing Bell Strike or Aqueous Form).

December 3, 2014 12:38 a.m.

Jojja says... #6

I normally just shave a card here and there unless there are cards that are "dead" in the matchup.

December 3, 2014 7:35 a.m.

jr92_2000 says... #7

@djd2488 I've been hesitant to cut Defiant Strike. It works so well in this deck that I only shave copies if there's nothing else to cut. I've moved the Eidolons out of the main; they seem bad more often than they're good.

December 3, 2014 9:14 a.m.

Nelstone says... #8

December 3, 2014 12:28 p.m.

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